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Book Recommendation ➱ Wings of Dusk (Arcane Angels Book 1) Fantasy Romance by R.K. Lilley

Wings of Dusk Wings of Dusk by R.K. Lilley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

📘Book Info
A guardian's duty is to protect their charge.
It is a holy bond, unbreakable outside of death.
You must never leave their side. You must never show emotion.
You must never cross a line. You must never fall in love.

💭Our Thoughts
"I know nothing of divine purpose, but you are my divine predestination"

I can't

The ending

The dark cliff we are dropped from

My heart is fractured

I knew there was something amiss
But the other betrayals?

I will admit this hit a bit differently than my normal PNR reads
A slow build but not - if that makes sense
A bit of angst
A stubborn Heroine who tends to act before thinking about consequences
A Guardian that takes his dedication to a whole new level (I have so many questions about them)
A Mother that is pretty conniving in my opinion - I don't think the ballroom incident was on accident - She knew what he would do
Stepdad was an obvious issue he just gave those vibes

This is a great introduction to the series and kept me engaged
I like reads like this that keep me just a bit in the dark,
as though I was a participant in the story not able to see all the moves at once

A diverse cast of well-crafted characters

When it comes to the world building though:
I have all kinds of questions
The backgrounds and beliefs - How the world is separated - Magic, Angels, Humans - How everything interconnects

I am not complaining, a little whining maybe, but I am pretty sure this is the authors' intention.
Giving us little pieces of the puzzle, hints, and at times almost snapshot-like moments that when put together give us a bigger picture

I admit I was upset that some of the scenes didnt give more detail. However, as I mentioned before I am pretty sure this was the authors' intention and the full scenes will be revealed as the series progresses.

Authors Website➱

#FantasyRomance #ForbiddenLove #SupernaturalPowers #BodyguardRomance #GuardianWard #kindleunlimited #bookrecommendation
