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Book Recommendation ➱ The Trouble with Trying to Date a Murderer ( Murder Sprees and Mute Decrees )MM Fantasy Romance by Jennifer Cody


The Trouble with Trying to Date a Murderer (Murder Sprees and Mute Decrees #1)The Trouble with Trying to Date a Murderer by Jennifer Cody
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

📘Book Info


Third time’s the charm, right? At least that’s what I tell myself when I witness the same hot guy commit mass murder three times in a few days. I’m either the luckiest mute boy ever or possibly the unluckiest. Who knows, maybe him kidnapping me will turn into the greatest love story ever told? Hey, it could happen! You never know how these things will turn out. I happen to believe in love and soulmates, and if nothing else, Arlington Fox doesn’t treat my disability like a nuisance. It’s not every day you find someone who just gets you, and I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth even if the horse in question is a man so good at killing people that I should probably introspect a bit about why that skews my moral compass and possibly my kinks. But c’mon, competence is sexy, amiright?

💭Our Thoughts

Yes I gave it 5 stars

Seriously, these guys were a blast to hang with
I was laughing from beginning to end
The writing drags the reader in and you feel like you are a part
of the absolute chaos that is this group of mismatched saviors(?) 
I'll let you decide on job titles 

It has a red headed step child (wait till you meet him lol)
Gods and Demons 
Really bad guys
And gargoyles getting scritches between the ears
Hello, gargoyles getting scritches!

I am on book three now and still having an absolute blast

#murderspreesandmutedecrees #mmfantasyromance #kindleunlimited #highlyrecommend #humor #action #jennifercody
