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Book Recommendation ➱ Hunt In The Night (Blood and Bonds series #3) MM Paranormal by S. J. Coles

Hunt in the Night Hunt in the Night by S.J. Coles
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

📘Book Info

Book three in the Blood and Bonds series

Hunting killers is Mason’s job. But falling for a vampire is the scariest thing he’s ever done.

Detective Inspector Mason Walker is good at his job. He has never focused on much else in his life. Women come and go. Friends take time he doesn’t have to spare. The job is constant. He works hard and has built a reputation for determination and integrity.

Now his skills are needed more than ever. The level of violence in York has risen, involving both the haemophile and human communities. These are unexplored waters for Mason, with both political and professional implications, and Mason is afraid to lose his way.

But there’s been a murder—a haemophile—and Mason’s facing the question of not only who committed the dreadful crime but how? Nothing seems to be adding up. And being assigned a haemophile partner, Special Officer Cai Bracken, a freelance detective working for the Met Police, only increases his tension.

What’s really unnerving is that Cai is not only making Mason question his professional convictions, but his personal preferences, too…his most personal preferences.

With so much at stake, can Mason really cope with overhauling his police work and his personal life all at once?

💭Our Thoughts
"We are the power in this world. We are the superior beings. These meat-sacks, they're just food."

This is Cai and Mason's story
There were a lot of tie-ins in this one
We wrapped up some of the whys and who's from previous "events" as well as solved Cai's questions about what happened and the devious plot behind his turning
This is where my heart hurt just a little.
Cai was such a sweet soul. He did not ask for any of this and was still having trouble coming to terms with the loss of his humanity
Mason, Mr. Prim and proper, no greys only black and white eventually would be his salvation
or maybe Cai was Mason's
Anyway I am rambling

If you haven't read this series yet what are you waiting for?
You have to start with book one, as the books are interconnecting
Each highlights a specific couple while tackling a running storyline
All are packed with mystery, suspense, action, some bloodshed, angst, and romance

#huntinthenight #bloodbonds #mmromance #paranormal #mystery #vampires #biawakening  #queerfiction #koboplus #sjcoles #bookrecommendation
