🧐 This Week’s Spotlight Reads & Book Recommendations
➱ Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology
➱ Killer Bones: CNC Fraternity Prequel a Dark Romance by Cari Silverwood
➱ The Elysean Trials: A Dark Greek Mythology Romance by D.N. Hoxa
➱ A Bargain With The Shadow Prince a Paranormal Fantasy Romance by Genevieve Jack
A Wonderful World of Words
Check out this amazing anthology full of polyamorous relationships
demonstrating how love really has no limits.
Killer Bones is a prequel to the CNC Fraternity series
and is a standalone and optional dark romance.
Elyseans are so wise…
Elyseans are so beautiful….
Elyseans are divine…
Elyseans are power hungry a**h*les with a god complex.
It takes a monster to stop a monster.
Light the candle.
Stand naked before the symbol.
Offer your blood.
The advocate will come.
#LimitlessLove #Polyamorous #CharityAnthology #KillerBones #CNCFraternity #DarkRomance #CariSilverwood #TheElyseanTrials #DarkFantasy #GreekMythology #FantasyRomance #DNHoxa #BargainWithTheShadowPrince #Paranormal #FantasyRomance #GenevieveJack
#BookRecommendations #fivestarreads #booksbooksbooks #bookblog #AWonderfulWorldofWords
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