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Book Recommendation ➱ Resisting Love (Whoopsie Daisy) Small Town Contemporary Romance by Katrina Marie

Resisting Love Resisting Love by Katrina Marie

📘Book Info
Whose idea was it to pair my happy-go-lucky neighbor with me? Someone is going to regret that decision.

Being voluntold to participate in a planning committee for the Spring Blooms Festival was the last thing I wanted. Walking in to find out my “there’s always a brightside” neighbor is also on the committee, my worst nightmare.

He is sunshine. I am thunder.

And after my not so graceful entry into his life, he’s someone I avoid at all costs. Except the committee leaders decided to pair us together.

I love Whoopsie Daisy more than anything and would do anything for my business and friends, but why does it have to be this?

So much for staying away from him. Fighting his charm has never been more crucial. Especially with the reputation of the shop on the line.

💭Our Thoughts
Samantha needed someone to knock that chip off her shoulder
That was my biggest pet peeve reading this
There were times if I could have I would have
I get the whole not peopling thing - I'm allergic to them as well
But it was BEN!
Sweet as sin
Next door neighbor
Don't fret
Eventually, he was able to get past her walls and into her heart

But let me tell you
It took a lot of patience
A whole lot of humor
A little sneaky assistance from her BFF's
and a clearing up of a little misunderstanding

I didnt get to read book one but I will be going back and grabbing a copy
Enjoyed the small-town feel
The secondary characters
The friction between these two
The antics and "oopsies" gave me a fabulous ab workout

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#ResistingLove #KatrinaMarieAuthor #SmallTown #ContemporaryRomance #ForcedProximity #GrumpySunshine #WhoopsieDaisySeries #BookRecommendation
