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Book Review ➱ Tight End Trickster: A College Football Romantic Comedy by Tabatha Kiss


Tight End TricksterTight End Trickster by Tabatha Kiss
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I dropped into this series with this book but had no trouble understanding the storyline and dynamics between the characters

Meet Ben and his twin Alex
They have always had each other's back
Sure they did the occasional twin thing where they switched places - harmless fun and all
So Ben being Alex for a night is nothing new and it will give Ben a chance to ensure Julie walks away
Only things are not quite as they seem
As time progresses so do Ben's feelings

Can he tell her the truth and still keep her
Or will his deception be the catalyst for Julie

I had a blast hanging out with the gang
This has humor, light angst, and a whole lot of character growth
I laughed out loud at the antics between the characters
Strong secondary cast that brought a lot to the story

I enjoyed watching Alex squirm
Watching Ben discover he was more than just the boring brother
Listening to Alice's inner monologues as well as what she bounced off her roomie was highly entertaining -
She was ping-ponging between that all-important revenge she had spent a year plotting against the manhole Alex and the new and improved Alex.
His hot-cold behavioral changes from playboy to caring partner were giving her whiplash
Imagine her surprise when the truth was revealed.

The book is full of humor, romance, and heart. The characters are well-developed and relatable. The author did a solid job of balancing the serious and the silly, ensuring I laughed and sighed in equal measure.
She created a story that was both heartwarming and funny.
