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Book Recommendation ➱ Blink and Glow a Children's Book by Raven Howell

Blink and Glow Blink and Glow by Raven Howell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

📘Book Info

Award-winning author Raven Howell's newest story will help young readers to appreciate wildlife and the natural environment.

Lilly and Leo think it's super to catch fireflies and salamanders—and even more exciting, as they plan to bring their glowing nature finds to show-and-tell the next day. That is until Grandma's wisdom guides the children and teaches them respect for the freedom and light of the natural life surrounding us.

💭Our Thoughts

Beautifully bright illustrations that brought the story to life
A well-written tale, that the children easily followed which
taught the importance of respecting nature and its creatures

My granddaughter had me read this multiple times in a sitting
She loved pointing out the vibrant images in the pictures
Despite her age (4), the story was written in a way that she
easily understood what was happening

A treasure to add to any children's book collection
One that will be re-read many times

Authors Website➱

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