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Book Recommendation ➱ The Amphitheater of Souls a Dark MM Fantasy Romance by Patrick Bryce Wright

The Amphitheater of Souls The Amphitheater of Souls by Patrick Bryce Wright
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

📘Book Info

When a plague ravages his village, the shaman Cian sails to the land of the dwarves for a cure. During the voyage, he meets and allies with Thanyan, a beautiful male elf who is a bard. Upon reaching the dwarven cleric whom Cian has been tasked with consulting, they uncover a dangerous the plague resulted from blood magic. To undo this forbidden magic, they must travel to the island nation of the centaurs and visit The Amphitheater of Souls, the ancient temple where the blood magic was cast.

Cian and Thanyan hire a female dwarven warrior, Loquin, as a bodyguard for protection against the instigator of the plague. However, they still find themselves stalked, assaulted with magic, and tangled in secrets. On the voyage to the island, a sea serpent attacks, nearly destroying their ship, and when they arrive at the island, the spellcaster launches further attempts to kill them so they can’t lift the blood curse causing the plague. With the help of centaur priestesses, the group fights to untangle a dark affair that is revealed to span decades.

As Cian and Thanyan become embroiled in this dangerous mission to capture the rogue spellcaster, they grow to love each other. But with their lives at risk, can they save the village and live out their lives together in love?

💭Our Thoughts

This was a fantastical epic fantasy packed with action, humor, and a very diverse cast
All rounded out with a slow-burn romance

A plague curse has been cast upon Cian's village.
When his bestie Adeen and fellow shaman-in-training falls ill he agrees to seek outside help

And the adventure begins!

The blurb pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the book. I'm still going to add my two cents :)

From the moment Cian boards the ship I knew I was in for an exciting journey. I love high fantasy especially when the story has a solid plotline

So Cian sets out to save his village.
He crosses paths with Thanyan, a Bard, also Cian's future romantic partner, who wishes to join Cian on his quest.
The attraction between these two is evident right away
As the story progressed we acquire a bodyguard, Loquin, and a priestess Because we all know you need some serious firepower against blood magic - And hey we're on a quest extra help is always needed

This was a solid read with a well developed storyline that was packed with the creatures, myths and magical elements you expect from a high fantasy tale.
The romance was, IMO, secondary to the overall storyline but still very present.
Lots of adventure. Some small twists. Action. And romance.
Wanted to add that:
Cian's mom and dad needed to be fed to the serpent - what a pair
Vastas was a jealous sad excuse who eventually got his comeuppance

#darkfantasy #mmromance #foundfamily #soulmates #gayromance #questfantasy #patrickbrycewright #bookrecommendations 
