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A story of liberation unfolds, igniting a whirlwind of love, fear, and even hope ➱Keeping Pepper by Scott Brody Book Tour with Guest Post and Giveaway



Beneath the weight of four long years in confinement, a story of liberation unfolds, igniting a whirlwind of love, fear, and even hope.


When Ed and Stacey go to Las Vegas to visit their friend Pepper, they realize his dementia has gotten worse. They decide to take him with them on their road trip to see old friends near Mt Konocti in northern California. At the reunion, he meets Sandy Martin, and they begin a new love relationship. He calls in to a local radio talk show and the audience likes him so much that he becomes a regular part of the show. But when a local psychopath hears Pepper on the show and decides he wants Pepper to be his friend, things take a very dark turn…

Author Interview

On writing:
How did you do research for your book?
Online research mostly, and personal experience
Which was the hardest character to write? The easiest?
I wanted to give the reader a first person view of two difficult personalities – Pepper with his dementia and Dennis, the psychopath. Both were difficult.
In your book you make a reference to dementia. How did you come up with this idea? What made you write a book about it?
Family experience dealing with it.
Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
I had two step-fathers with dementia. I wanted to explore how the “Boomer” generation will deal with aging.
There are many books out there about dementia. What makes yours different?
Not familiar with any.
Your book is set in Clear Lake, California. Have you ever been there?
If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?
Do you have another profession besides writing?
Yes, my day job! Ad sales
How long have you been writing?
25 years
What helps you overcome writer’s block?
Keep thinking and writing.
What is your next project?
What genre do you write and why?
I have a problem with this; I don’t want to write according to someone’s definition of genre. I don’t pay much attention.
What is the last great book you’ve read?
The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson
What is a favorite compliment you have received on your writing?
“Loved this book!”
If your book were made into a movie, who would star in the leading roles?
Haha! Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch as Pepper.
What were the biggest rewards and challenges with writing your book?
I guess the answer to both would be getting it finished!
In one sentence, what was the road to publishing like?
For me, agonizing.
What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring author?
I took classes at the UCLA Writers Extension – tremendously helpful.
Which authors inspired you to write?
All of them
What is something you had to cut from your book that you wish you could have kept?
I made the final decision on what was to stay or go, so nobody forced me to cut anything, but usually I understood their criticism and cut what they suggested.
On rituals:
Do you snack while writing?
Where do you write?
Home office
Do you write every day?
No, but most days
What is your writing schedule?
I work my day job during business hours, then break for dinner, then write in the evening.
Is there a specific ritualistic thing you do during your writing time?
In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper?
No – that’s a scary thought!
Fun stuff:
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Not far back. Maybe the 1960’s
Favorite travel spot?
Favorite dessert?
Icebox cake
If you were stuck on a deserted island, which 3 books would you want with you?
Can’t say. Three I haven’t read yet!
What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?
Had three kids.
What is the oldest item of clothing you own?
A small plaid wool blanket I had as a little kid.

 Guest Post

In researching the setting for Keeping Pepper, I started with the thought of having my characters meet somewhere in Northern California, which is beautiful to begin with. As I looked, I discovered this area about two hours northeast of San Francisco with towns clustered around Clear Lake. I found it to be beautiful and somewhat magical, with Mt. Konocti looming over the lake. It’s an old area with an extensive history with the local indigenous tribes and early white settlers. Mt. Konocti itself is an ancient volcano, and there are many stories of bottomless tunnels crisscrossing the mountain, where air blew out of uncharted holes in its sides. I found it to be fascinating and offered a setting with lots of rich history and interesting symbolism for the book.


It later provided a very good backdrop for several major parts of the story – Richie’s painful fall on the mountain, and Pepper’s abduction by Dennis. I wanted to portray the beauty of that area and keep that presence throughout the story.


I feel like that worked well, since I have gotten quite a lot of feedback from people who read the book, commenting on how lovely I made the area sound. Several people have told me I made them want to go there to see it. An old friend of mine who lives in San Francisco thought I must have lived in Clear Lake somewhere, and was shocked when I told her I have only actually been there once.


Author Bio:

Scott Brody works in broadcasting and ad sales in Southern California.He’s married with a daughter, two sons, and two grandchildren. He also wrote The Org, available on Amazon.


Author Marketing Experts:

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Instagram: @therealbookgal







“This book was both suspenseful and beautiful at the same time. All in all, an excellent read.”

Book Addict Book Blog


“The author uses richly crafted characters to bring the story to life, weaving past memories into the present. Keeping Pepper highlights the importance of living each day to the fullest, even if it means taking risks.”

Novels Alive


“Thoroughly enjoyed the twists and turns as the story evolved. Certainly didn't see some of them coming. The poignancy of old friends, new paths and one more good time was woven into a very engaging story.”

– Deb Zak (Amazon Reviewer)


“This was such a fresh and engaging story about the power of taking risks no matter your age or stage of life. It centers on a group of longtime friends of former ad executive Michael Pepper. Pepper's story is romantic and, at times, quite suspenseful. I found his energy and spirit of adventure inspiring, and it made for a very enjoyable book.”

– KKW (Amazon Reviewer)

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