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Healing Portals (The Universe Chronicles Book 5) Paranormal Romance by Claire Davon ➱ New Book Release with Rafflecopter



At the critical moment of danger, will their talent save them?

Or will they lose it all in a fiery cataclysm that dooms their hearts—and their lives?

Healing Portals

The Universe Chronicles Book 5

by Claire Davon

Genre: Paranormal Romance

When Katrina Paul is summoned to rescue an agent in the middle of the night, she does so without hesitation. The last thing she expects is her old flame Derek to come tumbling through her hasty portal. She’d left Toronto—and Derek—behind when she’d relocated to Richmond for good reason.

If not for Katrina’s ability, healing talent Derek Forester would have been trapped in a mission gone wrong. He hadn’t expected to see Katrina again, but he had never forgotten the way she made him feel. He’d done the right thing, but seeing her again made him question the wisdom of that choice.

Almost as soon as he arrives, mysterious entities begin plaguing them. Someone is trying to keep them together and engineered his rescue to Richmond. It has the touch of the mysterious new entity Whisper, but why?

Soon they are on the run, keeping one step ahead from energy beings that find them no matter where they go. When a crisis triggers a new, hidden talent between them, it becomes clear that this entire situation has been a setup. Right from the beginning.

As the truth about their power begins to emerge, Katrina realizes that she’s never stopped loving Derek. But when they learn that everything they understood about their past and their present is false, they wonder if anything between them is real.

At the critical moment of danger, will their talent save them? Or will they lose it all in a fiery cataclysm that dooms their hearts—and their lives?

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**Find out about the rest of the series here!**

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Excerpt #1


Derek caught Hannah raising her eyebrows, focusing her attention on his jeans pocket. He took out a slip of paper that read “Roberto Bagnoli. Middle management at Night Stars, though he thinks he’s higher than that. Quillan’s fiancée’s uncle. The guy with him is muscle. I’m not sure of his name.”

Nice. Hannah must have tucked that there when she froze time and checked out the new arrivals. He hadn’t even seen her move. Then again, that was the point of a chrono talent. Katrina checked her cell phone and glanced at Hannah.

Roberto stood over their table. The muscle who came in with him whispered something that had the occupant at the next table taking his plate and retreating to the counter. Roberto sat at the next table without waiting for it to be cleared, his attention still on Quillan. The head of Universe picked up his fork and began eating his breakfast burrito without conceding the man’s stare.

“This is the guy, eh? The one who stirred up things this morning.” Roberto said the words with a dismissive wave.

Derek shot Quillan a glance, but his new boss made no comment. “You say that like I had a choice.” He nodded to Roberto. Still Quillan did nothing. “I’m Derek.”

He flipped the paper over and read “shadow talent” and nodded at Hannah. 

“Do you have a last name, Derek?”

Quillan’s beard twitched.

“I do.” Derek let the words stay there, also lapsing into silence.

Quillan cleared his throat. “This is Derek Forester. News travels fast.”

“It’s been hours since he ‘arrived’ here,” Roberto said with that same sneer on his face. “Plenty of time for me to find out what I needed to.”

“Lucinda let you off the leash?”

Both Katrina and Derek glanced at Quillan while Roberto glowered. “Local Night Stars head. Roberto works for her.” Quillan stopped talking and took a bite of his burrito while Roberto sputtered. The muscle still said nothing, but that was the job of an enforcer—to be intimidating.

Derek was not intimidated.

“I came to introduce myself,” Roberto said, the waver in his voice lending the lie little credence.

“You were sent to figure out what happened. Wouldn’t you like to learn the details?” Quillan stared Roberto down, his face hard.

Hannah’s too-friendly voice broke into the tableau. “The boss here doesn’t like Roberto, and it’s well deserved. He tried to kidnap Quillan’s fiancée when she decided she didn’t want to be a part of Night Stars anymore and defected to Universe. Roberto, and Night Stars, made it difficult.”

Roberto waved a hand over the table. The waiter came over to say something, but Roberto did something and the man froze. Perhaps he had more command over shadows than Derek had assumed. Derek couldn’t be sure. Nor did he care. Shadows couldn’t hurt him.

Humanity did enough of that.


Excerpt #2


The old growth trees stood tall, casting shadows over the houses and street. Katrina frowned, trying to make sense of the image. All was normal, in her mind—for a few seconds.

Then she understood what Derek meant. Those shadows moved with urgency and not just as random flickers of light. Derek remained rooted to the spot, staring at the area he had pointed to. It had to be a trick of the imagination, or a branch shifting that she wasn’t aware of.

“That’s what you mean?” She backed up, watching as Derek took one forward. “Derek, don’t.”

“The spaces between the trees are moving.”

“Yes. What we’re seeing can’t be shadows—only talents like Jiana can see them. If this was them, we wouldn’t see what was happening. This is something else.”

The branches of the oak in the next yard rustled, covering the street in myriad shapes. Katrina might have detected a groaning, but could also have been the wind.

She hoped.

“Get inside, Katrina.” Derek took a second step forward, focusing on the tree. Was it her imagination or were malign dark spots creeping toward them?

“Bullshit to that, Derek. Not unless you have a second power that is a lot more interesting than healing.”

The thing slid closer. She imagined rustling, like someone speaking just below her ability to hear it. She shivered, the hairs on her forearms rising.

“Nope. Just the one. I can handle this. Go inside.”

“Screw that. We stay and fight, or run like hell, but whichever it is, we do it together. This was waiting for us. Which means it’s someone who knows we are Universe.”

“All the more reason to remain where we are. We can’t show fear.”

While his words held a certain logic, Katrina couldn’t help but think a flaw was buried in there somewhere. This had all the hallmarks of a trap. With them in the middle.

“None of this is logical. We’re not shadow manipulators. These spaces should be invisible to us. Something isn’t right here. I don’t trust what’s happening.”

He glanced from the dappled movement to her. “Do you have intuition, then?”

“Nothing but good old street sense. When a wrong thing is in front of me, I take action.”

“Gotcha. What do you recommend?” He returned to where she was and they watched as the thing continued to advance.

Then, from behind them, a sound started from their shared porch. The howling sent prickles dancing up her spine in a primal fear that made her long to bolt. She was a Universe operative, and didn’t act on the instinct.


“I hear it,” he said without taking his gaze off the thing moving in their direction.      “Man , Katrina, holy crap.”

When she pivoted, a new shape was visible on the property, one that hadn’t been there when she collected the mail that morning. The thing was ethereal, with the house visible behind it, reminding her of the way shades and spirits were portrayed in media.

“What is it?”

She swallowed, fear dancing across her senses, and darting over her skin. She tried to pick out features but all she could make out was a form drifting across the porch. Katrina had never believed in ghosts, but something was approaching them.

“A ghost,” she said, aware of how crazy that sounded. During this middle of the day much of the area was quiet. Still, certain neighbors worked from home, or didn’t work at all, and dogwalkers were always around. The main street was two blocks over. Someone should be on the street besides them. Yet all was still, like the things accosting them had put a damper over the area.

“I don’t believe in that kind of afterlife.”

“Neither do I,” she said. Unease filled her in a rising wave until all she wanted to do was scream. “I think my second plan is the best one. Let’s get out of Dodge.” An additional shade or spirit hovered by their car, cutting off that line of escape.

“Maybe you’re right.” He turned to the shadow, which had separated from the tree and was floating in the air, wafting their direction.

She couldn’t be sure, but a form might have been in the distance, one that had substance. The idea that an agent, whoever he or she was, was manipulating these things gave Katrina the backbone she needed. If they were part of someone’s power, they couldn’t be real.


Excerpt #3


She shouldn’t kiss him. It could lead to trouble.

His lips were cool and dry, bringing the chill of the night air with them before they warmed. For long seconds all he did was slide his mouth across hers. Friction and a delicious anticipation curled through her body. Katrina let out a low sound and put her hand on his head, holding him to her. Derek groaned and opened his mouth, pressing his tongue inside her. She gave him the pent-up passion soaring through her. She shifted, meeting his tongue with her desire, tangling them together. She swayed and Derek collected her in his arms. They were still seated, their legs crossed, and she groaned in frustration.

“Come. Let’s get comfortable.”

Katrina swallowed, aware of their close proximity and the fact that the two of them were alone in the tent. It would be natural, given their past and her obvious desire, to think that she would sleep with him. She couldn’t make the same mistake a second time.

“Derek . . .”

“Just kissing. That’s all. You and I are getting acquainted again. I am dying to kiss you, Katrina. I’ll go as far, or as little, as you tell me. It’s not right to start something with you when I’m not sure where this is going. If we do wind up horizontal, it has to mean something.”

For a man with no sensitive abilities, he was pretty damned intuitive.

“That’s what I need too, Derek,” she admitted, and was glad she could give voice to her attraction.

“Good. Can I come in?”

She tried to laugh, but passion tangled within her and it came out as a soft moan. “I’d like that.”

“Me too.” He opened the sleeping bag. She slid in with him and he folded it around them. His body heat was intoxicating, his warmth and the bag making her cocooned and secure.

The sensation was the best thing she’d experienced in a long time.

Derek brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead before placing a kiss to her eyelid and lower, across her nose before feathering a second kiss on her lips. Katrina turned her face to his and asked for more without speaking words. He was quick to oblige, pressing into the small of her back. Katrina wished she could abandon all restraint and give in to what her instincts were screaming for, but she’d done that once and it hadn’t ended well. She had to be smart this time.

Desire raced through her. After several heated caresses she gave a regretful sigh and moved back from him. Her breasts were heavy with need and longing suffused her core but Katrina still stopped.

He pressed one more kiss to her forehead before adjusting their bodies so she was lying half on top of him. Then he put one arm around her waist and the second on her shoulders. She sprawled over him, sleep already taking her.

“Time for rest,” he said in a strangled tone. “Thank you, Katrina.”

“For what?” Her mind was starting to drift.

“For letting me kiss you. For not holding our past against me. Get some sleep. We’ll figure things out in the morning.

Claire can’t remember a time when writing wasn’t part of her life. Growing up, she used to write stories with her friends. As a teenager she started out reading fantasy and science fiction, but her diet quickly changed to romance and happily-ever-after’s. A native of Massachusetts and cold weather, she left all that behind to move to the sun and fun of California, but has always lived no more than twenty miles from the ocean.

In college she studied acting with a minor in creative writing. In hindsight she should have flipped course studies. Before she was published, she sold books on eBay and discovered some of her favorite authors by sampling the goods, which was the perfect solution. Claire has many book-irons in the fire, most notably her urban fantasy series, The Elementals’ Challenge series, but writes contemporary and shifter romances as well.

While she’s not a movie mogul or actor, she does work in the film industry with her office firmly situated in the 90210 district of Hollywood. Prone to breaking out into song, she is quick on feet and just as quick with snappy dialogue. In addition to writing she does animal rescue, reads, and goes to movies. She loves to hear from fans, so feel free to drop her a line.

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