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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 a passionate, friends to lovers, workplace contemporary romance standalone arriving on November 13th by Timarie Everett, Cover Reveal & Giveaway



The Last Look Series #1

by Timarie Everett

Cover & Excerpt Reveal

Release Date: November 13, 2024

Model & Creative Collaborator: Louie Tomassi

Genre: Contemporary Romance Standalone
Trope: Workplace romance, friends to lovers, blind to love, slow burn, intimate relationship


Author Valentina Abati, pen name Vale Snow, has released a series of books that have captivated the masses in a monumental way. With hundreds of millions of books sold across the globe, Hollywood came knocking.

While being courted by many production companies about optioning her books to be made into movies, Valentina meets Louie DelloRusso, rumored playboy and COO of his grandfather’s legendary company, DelloRusso Production House.

After a contentious first meeting with all of the executives at D.P.H, Valentina decides to pass on their offer. Despite this, Louie just had to know more about the woman whose book series means so much to him. An unexplainable physical and emotional attraction is present, and both cannot deny it.

An unexpected friendship forms, and the two start leaning on each other to navigate the ever-growing complexities of their lives. Louie helps Valentina with her new found celebrity, while Valentina gives Louie a real-life perspective of the world around him.

Respect, love, protection, lies and raw sexual attraction are the hallmarks of the journey this couple embarks on. So much happiness, yet so much betrayal. World events, personal milestones and major coverups all demand quiet on the set, and lead to an explosive “Last Look.”

His Last Look, Her First Option

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“Ok, let’s go over this again. You literally went on a date with Louie DellaRosso. The Louie DellaRosso?”

One of my other best friends, Haley exclaims, unable to believe my good fortune.

“It’s actually DelloRusso…” I correct her, but she dismisses me.

“Whatever Miss Italy. I cannot believe you are being so cavalier about hanging out with one of People Magazine’s sexiest men alive.”

I take a sip of my freshly topped off drink before explaining, “Yes, he was very hot, but it was not a date. It was a business meeting.”

I protest.

My friends, Katelyn, Haley, and Alex all look at each other with heavy skepticism.

The four of us have been best friends since the first week of our freshman year at Emerson College. These three ladies are like my sisters. We all pledged Zeta Phi Eta together and we have an unbreakable bond. We often joke that we are the real-life version of the sisterhood of the traveling pants.

Katelyn, or Kate as we call her, is a creative writing professor at a local college and is married with two beautiful kids. She and her college sweetheart got engaged junior year and were married only 6 months after we graduated.

Haley Walters is a speech communication specialist, who is engaged and in the midst of planning her wedding.

Alex Vara is a public relations badass who is so exclusive, she only has two clients. The 6-time NFL world champion New England Patriots and little old me.

Including my brother, these ladies are my family. This support system has gotten me through so many rough patches, and I hope I have always returned the favor to them.

We have been through marriage, kids, engagements, parents who were very sick, the loss of grandparents and everything in between. I tell them everything, and they do the same.

“Valentina, are you listening to me? Kate calls out to me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. What did you say?” I try to recover.

Frustrated with my spacing out, she repeats, “We want details. What was he like?”

I feel six eyes focused on me, so I shift uncomfortably in the oversized chair I’m sitting in.

“He was really… nice. His grandfather was kind of rude to me and Kevin, but Louie… He just isn’t what I would expect based on what you see in the media and online.”

“Details, Valentina, details!” Haley chides me.

“Ok, ok. He was tall, but then again everyone is taller than me. He was dressed to the nines in a designer suit…” Haley cuts me off.

“Girl, this man has been my internet crush forever. What did he smell like?” We all burst out laughing at her honesty and enthusiasm. I love her so much.

“He smelled really good. I don’t know the cologne, but it suited him. It was strong and masculine. Very clean smelling.” I recount the scent that radiated off of Louie.

“God give me strength.” Haley says as she fans herself. I take this moment to drop the nugget of info I have been holding.

“He was so sincere and committed to the books that I decided… Well, I decided that I’m going to be working with DelloRusso Productions on the screen adaptation of the series.”

They are all staring at me, stunned, not a word to be spoken.

Finally, Alex questions, “I thought you were set on Evolution?”

“I was, and they are a great option, but after meeting with Louie… I don’t know, he really touched me with his honesty and vulnerability. I won’t betray his confidence with what was said, but these books meant a lot to him. He was even quoting lines from the book, and some of them were my favorites. I have never spoken of them in any interview or article. He could not have known. I just get this sense that he gets it. He genuinely gets it.”

“Gets it, or gets you?” Alex asks the question with an arched eyebrow, and I know the others are dying to know the answer as well.

“Don’t be silly. He doesn’t even know me. He knows my characters, my words. Not me, Valentina, the person. Although…” I trail off remembering our first meeting.

“Oh no, no, no. You finish that thought lady.” Haley encourages.

I can’t fight the broad smile that spreads across my face at my mental recollections. I try with all my might, but I fail miserably.

“It’s just that he took the time to learn about me, and he knew it was my birthday a couple of days before our meeting. It’s a small thing, but it felt significant to me. He kept complimenting me, which you know made me feel awkward, but they were genuine. There was none of that cheesy car salesman veneer to him. When I spoke, he listened. Like actually gave me his full attention. Now, I’m sure that is just part of his business strategy, but it was effective on me.”

I shrug and receive warm looks from my friends.

“That is so sweet, Valentina. Will you be working closely with him on these movies? Will they be filmed in L.A.?” Kate is eager to know.

“I don’t know how closely I’ll be working with him. I have to fly back out to Los Angeles next week to officially sign the papers and work out the details. If they are turning my books into movies, which are set in Boston, then they better be prepared to film right here in the Bay state.” I tell them in no uncertain terms.

“You tell them, Girl! We are all so happy for you. No one deserves this more than you, Valentina.” Haley offers her congratulations and raises her drink as do the others.

We all drink to this new chapter I’m starting, even though it’s terrifying.

“Who is Louie dating these days anyway? I haven’t seen him on TMZ since he was dating Arianna Grande.” Kate comments.

“No, he dated her before Kendall Jenner, didn’t he?” Haley replies.

“Isn’t he still with Selena Gomez?” Alex wonders out loud.

Jesus, I don’t follow him close enough to know any of that. Seems like Louie has quite an active social life, and clearly a type. Famous and gorgeous.

I watch as Kate pulls up his Instagram page. Louie DelloRusso is a well accomplished producer at only 29, working on some of the biggest movies of the past decade. He is even more famous for being an “internet influencer,” whatever that is.

He has over 80 million Instagram followers and has countless fan pages dedicated to him. He documents certain areas of his life and shares them with people. Interestingly enough, it’s usually videos of him doing normal everyday things, but just being funny about it. There are also the occasional thirst traps for his fans, like my dear friends, who like to ogle him.

A little while later, after more gossip, more catching up and more prosecco, I’m helping clean up. I carry glasses and plates into Kate’s kitchen and see Alex rinsing items then loading the dishwasher.

“You were pretty quiet in there earlier. I hope you aren’t pissed that I sprung the news I’m signing with DelloRusso Productions on you. I was going to tell you when we had our weekly meeting tomorrow.” I explain to my best friend slash publicists.

Alex lets out a dry laugh, “Come on, you know me better than that. I don’t get mad, and certainly not over something like that.”

She tells me as she takes the dishware from my hands.

“Then why were you so quiet when everyone was talking about Louie?” I question based on my earlier observation.

Alex closes the dishwasher and sets it, then lets out a sigh before leaning against the counter.

“I just want you to be careful. The DelloRusso’s are known for being cutthroat in the entertainment business, that’s what makes them so good. I don’t want you to get hurt in the process.” She admits earnestly.

“I can see the grandfather being like that, but not Louie. He has a sincerity about him. I truly believe he wants these books to become successful movies.” I hear myself defending.

Alex raises her eyebrows, “I have no doubt that they want these movies to be successful, otherwise they won’t make money and it could damage their reputation. Just be careful when dealing with them, ok?”

It’s said as a warning, but I know my friend and there is an element of pleading in her tone.

“You have connections everywhere. What do you know about Louie DelloRusso?” I was looking for some inside scoops.

Alex is one of the most respected publicists in the world of sports and entertainment and it is a title that has been well earned.

She has traveled the world promoting her clients and making sure they are presented correctly to the public and squashing any negative press that may pop up.

Alex shrugs, “I’ve seen him at most of the super bowls and he always hosts huge parties. He seems like a nice guy. I’ve never heard anything bad about him, but he definitely has a comprehensive dating history. What’s weird is he only started having these high-profile relationships a few years ago. If I had to guess, he’s used these women to boost his public image.”

“That sounds gross. How can you use people like that?” I wonder out loud.

“Valentina, Hollywood plays by different rules than you and me. We will never understand why they do half the crazy shit they do. Just make sure you never lose yourself while dealing with them. It’s a seductive life, but an empty one.” She warns.

I give her a hug, “I love you for being concerned. Trust me, no one is changing this stubborn Italian. Plus, if I ever feel myself slipping away, I’ll be calling your mom.” We share a laugh.

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About the Author

Timarie Everett is a best-selling novelist from Boston, Massachusetts. She has authored The Finish Line Series, which is romantic suspense trilogy.

Timarie spent her early years as a singer/song writer, while simultaneously developing her business acumen. In 2015, Timarie began her professional literary career.

Nothing is more important to Timarie than her family and friends. She is a fierce social activist that strongly fights for gender, racial and orientation equity. She promotes independent thinking and positivity.

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