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Nikki: A Journey of Resilience a narrative that captures the essence of the immigrant experience, cultural identity, and the unyielding strength of the human spirit.

Nikki: A Journey of Resilience Kindle Edition

by Harman Cherra

 Synopsis (from Amazon):

Dive into the heartfelt and inspiring story of "Nikki - A Journey of Resilience," a narrative that captures the essence of the immigrant experience, cultural identity, and the unyielding strength of the human spirit. Nikki's journey is a poignant portrayal of a young woman navigating the complexities of life, love, and identity in a new country.

 Nikki's life takes a dramatic turn when she moves from her homeland of Punjab to a new country, filled with dreams and aspirations. As she grapples with the challenges of adapting to a new culture and societal expectations, Nikki's resilience is tested in ways she never imagined. Her story is a rich tapestry of cultural heritage, personal growth, and the enduring bonds of family.

 Nikki - A Journey of Resilience is more than just a story; it’s an experience that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page. Whether you’re seeking a touching narrative of personal growth, a deep dive into cultural exploration, or simply an inspiring read, Nikki’s journey will captivate and move you.

 Join Nikki as she embarks on a journey filled with trials and triumphs, and discover how the strength of the human spirit can overcome even the most daunting challenges. This book is perfect for readers who appreciate heartfelt stories with a cultural twist and those looking for an inspirational tale of resilience and hope.


Chapter 1: The Boundless Beauty of Motherhood


"God could not be everywhere, and therefore, He made mothers."

– Rudyard Kipling


The connection between a mother and her child is an extraordinary tapestry of love and devotion, a relationship that transcends words and resonates deeply within our hearts. From the dawn of time, mothers have held a sacred role, providing care, guidance, and unconditional love to their children.


At the core of motherhood lies selflessness that knows no bounds. A mother's love is an unwavering force fueled by a genuine desire to nurture and protect her offspring. Whether it is a human, animal, or even a bird, a mother's dedication and sacrifice know no limits. Her instinctual drive to provide the best for her children propels her to brave the storm, conquer mountains, and overcome any obstacle that may come her way. A mother's love knows no bounds, extending far beyond her own needs and desires.


The bond between a mother and her child is a tapestry woven with threads of love, trust, and unwavering support. While both parents play significant roles in a child's life, a mother's connection with her child often holds a unique depth and intensity. From the very moment of birth, a mother is consumed by an overwhelming sense of devotion, dedicating herself wholeheartedly to her child's well-being. Her love is a steadfast beacon, guiding her child through life's triumphs and tribulations.


From infancy through adulthood, a mother's nurturing touch shapes her child's growth and development. In the early stages, she selflessly tends to every need, providing sustenance, warmth, and protection. As her child grows, a mother's role expands, encompassing emotional support, guidance, and a constant source of strength. Her prayers are interwoven with every breath, silently wishing for her child's happiness, success, and fulfillment.


Yet, the true beauty of motherhood shines brightest in the small, everyday gestures. From a comforting embrace during a moment of sadness to a soothing lullaby that lulls a restless child to sleep, a mother's presence is a balm for the soul. She is a source of solid love, a steady hand guiding her child through the twists and turns of life. A mother's joy radiates from her smile, her laughter filling the air with warmth and tenderness. Her unwavering support and belief in her child's potential become the foundation upon which dreams are built.


Across cultures, religions, and generations, the significance of a mother's love remains unshakeable. Her presence is celebrated and cherished as a precious gift bestowed upon humanity. Mothers are the architects of society, shaping the hearts and minds of future generations. Their love knows no boundaries, and their impact reaches far beyond the confines of the home.

Author Interview:

On writing:


How did you do research for your book?

I drew heavily from personal experiences and memories to tell my mother’s story. I also consulted with family members and reviewed old letters, photographs, and documents to ensure that the details were accurate and emotionally resonant.


Which was the hardest character to write? The easiest?

The hardest character to write was Nikki herself. Capturing her strength, resilience, and the complexities of her emotions while staying true to her spirit was a delicate balance.


The easiest character to write was probably Myself


In your book you make a reference did you come up with this idea? What made you write a book about...?

I wanted to write a book about my mother because her life was a powerful testament to resilience and love. The idea came from the desire to honor her memory and share her incredible journey with others who might find inspiration in her story.


Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

My inspiration comes from real life—particularly the challenges and triumphs of those I love. I’m inspired by the strength people show in the face of adversity and the ways they find hope even in difficult circumstances.


There are many books out there about immigration. What makes yours different?

What makes Nikki - A Journey of Resilience different is its deeply personal nature. It’s not just a story of overcoming adversity; it’s a tribute to a mother’s love and the enduring legacy she left behind. The cultural aspect also adds a unique layer, as it explores the immigrant experience and the balancing of two worlds.


What advice would you give budding writers?

Write from the heart and don’t be afraid to tell your story, even if it’s deeply personal. Authenticity resonates with readers, and your unique perspective is what makes your story special.


In your book you state....why is that?

When I state that resilience is about learning to grow in the face of adversity, it’s because that was the essence of my mother’s life. She didn’t just endure her challenges; she grew stronger because of them, and that’s a lesson I wanted to convey.


If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?



Do you have another profession besides writing?

Yes, I’m a healthcare professional.


How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing for many years, but Nikki - A Journey of Resilience is my first published work. It’s a project that has been close to my heart for a long time. It took me 6 years to complete.


Do you ever get writer’s block? What helps you overcome it?

Yes, I do experience writer’s block. Taking a step back, spending time with family, and reflecting on why I’m telling this story usually helps me find my way back to the words.


What is your next project?

I’m considering exploring a children’s book.


What is the last great book you’ve read?

One of the last great books I read was Educated by Tara Westover.


What is a favorite compliment you have received on your writing?

The most meaningful compliment I’ve received is that my book made someone feel less alone in their struggles.


How are you similar to or different from your lead character?

Like Nikki, I’ve had to navigate challenges and find strength in difficult times. However, Nikki’s resilience in the face of life-threatening illness is something I deeply admire and aspire to embody in my own life.


If your book were made into a movie, who would star in the leading roles?

For Nikki, I would envision someone like Priyanka Chopra, who can portray both strength and vulnerability.


If your book were made into a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?

The soundtrack would likely include a mix of traditional Indian music to honor Nikki’s heritage, along with modern tracks that reflect the emotional journey of the characters.


What were the biggest rewards and challenges with writing your book?

The biggest reward was honoring my mother’s memory and sharing her story with the world. The biggest challenge was revisiting painful memories and ensuring that I captured her story in a way that did justice to her strength and love.


In one sentence, what was the road to publishing like?

It was a journey of patience and perseverance, but ultimately fulfilling to see my mother’s story in print.



What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring author?

Stay true to your story and your voice. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable; that’s where the most powerful writing comes from.


Which authors inspired you to write?

Authors like Khaled Hosseini


What is something you had to cut from your book that you wish you could have kept?

There were a few personal anecdotes that, while meaningful, didn’t fit into the overall narrative arc. I wish I could have included more about the everyday moments that defined Nikki’s character.



On rituals:


Where do you write?

Coffee Shops and at home.


Do you write every day?

When I have time.


Is there a specific ritualistic thing you do during your writing time?

Listen to music.


In today’s tech savvy world, most writers use a computer or laptop. Have you ever written parts of your book on paper?

No, mostly jotted down my ideas on my phone and wrote on my laptop.


If you’re a parent, how do you balance your time?

As a father, I balance my time by dedicating specific hours to writing when my son is at school or after he’s gone to bed. It’s important to me to be present for my family while also pursuing my passion.


Fun stuff:


If you could go back in time, where would you go?

On vacation with my mother to Hawaii. It was a place she wanted to visit but never had the chance.


Favorite travel spot?

Beachfront resorts.


Favorite dessert?

Creme brûlée


If you were stuck on a deserted island, which 3 books would you want with you?

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Freakonomics by Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt

The SAS Survival Handbook by John 'Lofty' Wiseman


What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?

The most courageous thing I’ve done is writing this book—opening up about deeply personal experiences and sharing them with the world.


Any hobbies?

I enjoy cooking traditional Indian meals and experimenting with new recipes. It’s a way to stay connected to my roots and share my culture with my family.


If there is one thing you want readers to remember about you, what would it be?

I want readers to remember me as someone who writes from the heart.


What is something you've learned about yourself during the pandemic?

I’ve learned the importance of resilience and adaptability—how to find strength in uncertainty and make the most of challenging situations.


What TV series are you currently binge watching?

How I Met Your Mother.


What is your favorite thing to do in the fall?

In the fall, I love taking walks in the evening with my son and wife.


What is your favorite fall or winter holiday?

I enjoy Christmas and Thanksgiving.


What is something that made you laugh recently?

My son Jaiden’s latest jokes. And making me laugh with his playful sense of humor.


What is your go-to breakfast item?

A shake.


What is the oldest item of clothing you own?

A suit.


Who was your childhood celebrity crush?

Aishwarya Rai.

Guest Post:

What My Child Taught Me About Writing


As a parent, you often find yourself in the role of teacher, guiding your child through life’s many lessons. But what I didn’t expect was how much my child would teach me—especially when it comes to writing.


When I began writing Nikki - A Journey of Resilience, I was focused on telling my mother’s story, capturing her strength and the challenges she faced. But as I navigated the writing process, my son Jaiden became an unexpected source of inspiration and wisdom.


Children have a way of seeing the world that is unfiltered and genuine. They approach life with a sense of wonder and curiosity that is often lost as we grow older. Watching Jaiden explore the world, ask endless questions, and create stories from his imagination reminded me of the importance of curiosity in writing. His boundless creativity encouraged me to dig deeper into my own storytelling, to ask more questions, and to explore ideas without fear of where they might lead.


Another lesson Jaiden taught me is the value of persistence. Like many parents, I’ve watched my child struggle with tasks that are new and challenging, only to see him eventually succeed through sheer determination. Writing a book is much the same—there are moments of frustration, self-doubt, and the temptation to give up. But seeing Jaiden’s perseverance reminded me that every challenge is an opportunity to grow, and that persistence, no matter how difficult, leads to accomplishment.


Most importantly, Jaiden taught me the power of simplicity. Children don’t overcomplicate things—they say what they mean and express their feelings openly. In writing, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to sound sophisticated or to overthink a passage. But sometimes, the most powerful moments in a story are the simplest ones, where the truth is laid bare without embellishment.


As I continue to write, I carry these lessons with me. Jaiden may not realize it, but he’s been one of my greatest teachers. Through his eyes, I’ve rediscovered the joy of storytelling, the strength of persistence, and the beauty of simplicity. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Author bio:

Harman Cherra is a dedicated father and respected healthcare professional, profoundly influenced by his mother, Nikki’s legacy. As he delves deep into the complexities of the healthcare world, Harman is also passionate about crafting stories that strike a chord, spotlighting the infinite dimensions of love and the unwavering might of the human spirit. His memoir, echoing the episodes of his mother’s life, emerges as a symbol of tenacity and enduring spirit.


Beyond his professional commitments and literary pursuits, Harman treasures time with his family, notably with his son, Jaiden. An enthusiast of global travel, authentic Indian dishes, and the rhythmic beauty of dance, Harman’s diverse passions depict a man richly intertwined with his heritage and the world.


Through unveiling Nikki’s narrative, Harman encourages readers to embark on a remarkable odyssey, aiming to offer them comfort, motivation, and the mettle to navigate life’s countless challenges.







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