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The Rookie vs The Ace (On The Track Book 4) MM Sports Romance by Nicole Dykes is now live!


The Rookie vs The Ace by Nicole Dykes is now live! Pick up the next in the On The Track series now!



I’m the Rookie. That’s how they want to label me. The new guy.

But I’m damn good at what I do. I don’t have anything to prove.

Except maybe to him.

I’ve watched his career for years. So yeah, maybe I want to impress him a tiny bit. But I

also can’t help riling him up and ruffling his feathers.

He wants me to do things his way, but I don’t work like that.

I may be the Rookie, but I’m about to school the Ace.


I’m the Ace. I know what I’m doing, and I can’t stand arrogant newbies who come in,

thinking they know it all.

I’ve always hated that. But I’ve never despised anyone more than Carson Hayes when

he saunters in like he owns the place.

The kid is good, I’ll give him that. But he has a lot to learn.

I’m the Ace around here, the one everyone goes to when they finally realize they don’t

know it all. And the Rookie is about to learn why.

About the Author:

Nicole Dykes is a wife and a professional assistant/mom to two gorgeous girls. Currently residing in Kansas, she's a lover of coffee, Kansas City Chiefs, and all things romance. She currently has over 20 published books with her Kensley Panthers series being the most popular. She enjoys cranking up the angst level, making her readers cry, and turning those tears into the coffee that fuels her writing.

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Hosted by Chaotic Creatives
