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Salvation By Blood (Parts 1 & 2) Paranormal Fantasy Romance by Marisette Burgess Book Blitz with Guest Post and Giveaway



 Skylar is gifted to be his human pet. 

Demarkus, a vampire lord, must take her blood, her body, then her life. 

But can he?  

Salvation By Blood

Parts 1 & 2

by Marisette Burgess

Genre: Paranormal Fantasy Romance  

Skylar by no means had the perfect life- but she was free. Until the night vampires broke into her apartment and snatched her. Now, she finds herself in a real life hell, the kind horror movies are made of. She’s gifted to a vampire lord to serve as his pet, but only for a week. Three certainties exist. He will take her blood, take her body, then take her life.

Demarkus Osei, Lord of his clan, is obliged to attend the 20th Vampiric Centennial Conclave. A task he loathes. For one week, he’s given a human to fulfill his duty to his family. But this year there is something different about his slave. Aside from the fact that he and every vampire at the Conclave find her blood mouthwatering, she’s unique. There’s an inescapable pull. He can’t quite put his finger on it, but the urge to protect her, to spare her from pain, is overwhelming. But he’s a vampire. His thirst and hunger must be sated.

As Skylar and Demarkus navigate through his basic vampiric cravings, they can’t ignore the cruel reality of their situation, their inner monsters, or the looming end of their time together. This once rational, put-together lord, now finds himself making rash illicit decisions, to spare her and himself from pain. Will he choose to follow what is demanded, resulting in her demise, or will he defy every vampiric decree?

Marisette Burgess’ new twist on vampiric folklore doesn’t disappoint as she seamlessly weaves a Beauty and the Beast trope into the rich tapestry of a vampire love story. Skylar and Demarkus’ slave/master relationship keeps the reader wanting more as she tries desperately to keep the vampire’s needs under control while he fights his urge to not fall in love.

**Get it FREE June 27th – July 1st!!**

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The vampire surveyed the room, glancing over her as if she was a part of the furnishings. Once his eyes took in his new surroundings, he returned them to her. His smoldering stare inspected his new pet.

She panicked. Tugging relentlessly on her handcuffs. Her legs pushed her into the wall as if one of these times the wall would open up and let her through. She panted, unable to get enough air.

He moved so fast she didn’t even see him take any steps, but in seconds he was crouching before her next to the beanbag chair.

“No, no please,” she continued her attempt to get away from him.

He placed his hand onto her feet over the leather binding, holding them in place. “Shh,

it’s okay,” he said in a tender, soothing voice.

She calmed, but her large rounded eyes watched his odd shaped diagonal pupils as they scanned her features. When he finished taking in her simple pale beauty, he slid his hand behind her neck and, with a firm grip, held her still. His hand was a chilling contrast against her warm skin. His face moved into the crevice of her neck.

She cried. 

His frigid breath tickled her skin, causing goosebumps to travel the length of her arms. Through his nose, he took in a deep, meaningful whiff. He jerked his head back with furrowed eyebrows.

Her light gray eyes beseeched. She whimpered.

He inhaled again, deeply. “Bloody hell, you are mouthwatering,” he whispered.

She wept.

“I’ve never smelled anyone so exquisite... fascinating.”

Sporadic spasms shot through her joints like a rolling wave.

His grip on her neck eased and his eyes softened as they scanned her features and her body. She shifted her legs, attempting to lower the hem of the mini white dress they had put her in.

“Shh, relax,” he said. “What is your name?”

The ability to speak was not an option for her right now. All she could do was try to remember how to breathe. He released her neck and leaned back. Affording her more space between them.

“Let us attempt this once more, shall we? I am Demarkus and you are?”

Her bottom lip trembled as her eyes looked down. She said nothing.

He sighed, with a disappointed frown. “Alright, I see.” He glanced down at the leather straps around her feet. “Let’s undo these.” He pulled out a key from the pocket of his coat and unlocked the linked cuffs to her feet. He then unfastened the straps, holding them tight to her skin and slid them off. With the same key, he unlocked the leather cuffs from the iron pole they chained her hands to, but kept them bound with the handcuffs.

Demarkus ran his hand over her thigh. His touch was icy. Her whole body went tight, and she tried to squirm away.

She whimpered, “Don’t... Don’t please...please.”

He squeezed her thigh gently. 

“I know they explained your purpose here this week. Our time together is short. It will all come to an end soon. It’s a quick six days and then it’s over.”

She bit her lips, trying to contain the outburst of tears. “What are you going to do to me?” She eyed him up and down. “Will you...are you going to take my blood and body?” she breathed in a low whisper.

With tender eyes and a calming voice, he nodded, “Eventually.”

Her entire resolve melted, and she lost control. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up to a standing position. The minute she was upright, her body protested. Her skin sweated, the color drained from her face. Her legs buckled, and she could not hold herself up. She went dizzy, disorientated and the world blurred sporadically. She collapsed, and he caught her.

“What in the world?” he said. He scanned her face. “This is not right. This is more than a faint fright. What is wrong?” he asked.

She swallowed, trying to form salvia, but her mouth was bone dry. He gripped her chin with a firm hand and brought her face upright and close to his. “What is wrong I asked,” his tone was serious.

She mustered the courage to answer. “I’m a diabetic,” she sputtered.

“What?” he spat in shock.

She swallowed again. “I have diabetes, they locked me on that beanbag all day...I haven’t...I haven’t eaten anything...and...and I feel like my blood sugar is probably low right now.” Her voice sounded like she was a scared little girl confessing to something she did wrong.

He blinked as he absorbed the information she just revealed. He squeezed her chin again.

“What is your name?” His tone remained the same, forceful and authoritative.


The edge of his mouth rose. In a nicer voice, he said, “That’s pretty.”


What is your favorite part of this book and why?

-          It’s such a dark, heavy situation for the characters, that I really appreciate and enjoy the bits of comic relief sprinkled throughout. Especially the dinner scenes with the Osei Clan. In my head, I have many scenarios played out that never made it into the book. I love the dinner games Skylar plays to get Demarkus’ blood boiling. He so deserves everything she dishes out and more. I came to love the familial interactions of this eternal vampire clan and all their unique personalities mixing affectionately with one another. I think this is something Skylar also found endearing about them.     


How long, on average, does it take you to write a book?

-          I’m usually working on two books at a time. I would say depending on the book on average 3-6 months, but there are some that I’ve been working on for years. Just because the writing is finished doesn’t mean the work is done. I count the editing and rereading as part of still writing the book. Currently, I’m heavily editing a novel I started in 2015. I hope to wrap another one up this June, and start on the next installment of Salvation by Blood in July.


Do you read yourself and if so, what is your favorite genre?

-          Yes! Since January, I have read 15 recreational novels. That’s not counting all the picture books and small chapter books I’ve read as a school media specialist. I love to read fantasy, most sub genres. I gravitate toward those with romantic tension and fun hard to get chemistry between the main characters. Also, I enjoy good plot twists and betrayals. Side characters that bring the comic relief and side stories are important too. I have a hard time getting into long complicated worlds, but I’m game for paranormal, elvish, shapeshifters, wereanimals, dragons, fae, magic, witches, kingdoms, royal blood lines, fated mates and such.


What are you currently reading?

-          House of Striking Oaths #3 by Olivia Wildenstein. I read the first two earlier this year and love the world she created and her characters. After I finish this, I plan to start on Sarah J. Maas’ Throne of Glass Series. I’ve read her other two series and liked them, but never picked this one up.


Do you see writing as a career?

-          Yes, I would love to make this a full-time career. It’s my favorite thing to do, but the market is a difficult gig to navigate and its over-flooded with options. For example, I have a stack of books sitting waiting to be read. Some have been in that pile awhile, because new and enticing options pop up constantly. It’s sad, but most people can’t spend every second of their time reading. So, for now I’ll keep working at it, enjoying the process and the characters I create until my cards change.   

Marisette loves writing about the fantastical and pushing her imagination to the limit. Her son asked her once why she writes and her response was because it allows her to cope with her crazy. She likes to explore themes like girl power, diversity, perseverance, and fighting against the odds. Stories with diverse backgrounds hold a special place in her heart. One reason mixed representation and diverse families are important to her is because her family is mixed. She lives in Florida with her husband, two children and two rescue Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mixes named Ivory and Ebony.

Other than writing, she enjoys traveling and relaxing in front of serene landscapes with her family. Things she cannot live without are flip-flops, coke zero, and yoga capris.

Marisette is author to the Symbol of Hope Trilogy on Amazon a YA Supernatural Adventure Romance.

Latest projects include a sultry vampiric Novella- Salvation by Blood

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