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Limitless Love: A Polyamorous Charity Anthology is Live!

 The Limitless Love Anthology Now Live!!


Check out this amazing anthology full of polyamorous relationships demonstrating how love really has no limits.


Cover by Coffin Print Designs


Graphic by River Designs


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💞 Blurb 💞

Love can be defined as “a quality or feeling of strong or constant affection for and dedication to another.”


They say “love wins,” for that to be true, we must embrace all types, especially those that have been otherwise underrepresented.


Ten authors have come together to make a difference by showcasing that love in all its forms is limitless.


Limitless Love is an anthology full of different polyamorous stories with proceeds going to charity in order to showcase that if you fight for the life and relationships you believe in, then love truly does win.


Featuring stories from:

Sage Abbott

Aurora Crane

Colette Davison

Abrianna Denae

E.M. Denning

Elouise East

MJ Green

J.L. Gribble

Leigh Kenzie

Michele Notaro


"Roses are red, violets are blue, Blood splatter can't be better for you?"

Normally I don't find myself getting too attached to the characters when it comes to short reads.
But here?
Be still my beating heart
Sinful Smexy with lots of "Awww" moments and even a twist or two

"I've pushed for so long and I can't anymore. Every piece of me is scattered on the ground."
When Robbie's ex shatters his heart he takes off.
No destination. Just needing to get away.
But life likes to throw its curves in threes and our sweet Robbie soon finds himself
in a ditch in a snowstorm
He sets out to find help only to end up at the door of Noel and Eddie
His world is about to change in ways he never saw coming

I fricking loved the connection between these three
They were a true throuple. Each fulfilling a need in the other
Robbie was the third that Noel and Eddie had been looking for
together they were the balm to heal Robbie's broken heart

I loved the little twists. And Robbie's revenge
Eat your heart out!

I was given a copy of Leigh Kenzie's submission
Balancing Each Other a bit early and I'm a touch biased here; as I love, love Kenzie's writing style
Yes, I own most of her books.
What can I say it's those crimson-coated characters that get me every time ...

I'm off to preorder this one and I am looking forward to finding some new authors and or series
Highly recommend one clicking this one

#NewRelease  #CharityAnthology #PolyamorousAnthology #LoveisLove #LGBTQRomanceBooks

