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Grave Games (Gravediggers MC, #1) MC Romantic Suspense by Stacy Gail Book Blitz


GRAVE GAMES by Stacy Gail

Book title: GRAVE GAMES _ Gravediggers MC Duology (Book #1)

Series name: Gravediggers MC Duology

Author name: Stacy Gail

Publisher: Self-Published

Genre: Contemporary Romance, MC Romance, Romantic Suspense

Release date: 6/6/24

• Price: $4.99


• Blurb:


My life as I knew it ended four years ago.


I’d always been on the shy side—you know, not too great with the boys. So when my brother’s hot new friend asked me out, I was dazzled beyond belief. Then our first date turned into a kidnapping, where I was assaulted for three days by this so-called friend. Turns out the guy is the heir to the Chicago Gravediggers Motorcycle Club, and they wanted to recruit my brother bad. Their solution? Torture me until my brother broke. He did, and when he traded his freedom for mine, our family shattered.



The Chicago Gravediggers had once been my MC, my family, but it was being run into the ground by a madman and his psycho kid. A few years back I jumped ship with my fellow brothers to form a new chapter, but everyone knows two Gravedigger chapters in one town is one chapter too many. Then we got word one of theirs is trying to get out. We’ll help him, as long as there’s something in it for us. The only thing that might gum up the works is the guy’s sister, Shiloh McKeen. I’m tasked with making her fall in line, because my road name is Romeo, and I earned it honestly. But Shiloh’s not falling for the act, or me.


Hell, if I’m not careful, I might be the one falling for her.


 ***GRAVE GAMES is a contemporary romance with an Alpha male who will kill to protect the woman he loves. As always, no cliffhangers, love triangles, or cheating. Due to adult language, violence, and several sex scenes, this book is not intended for readers under the age of eighteen.***

TRIGGER WARNINGS: The main character is a victim of violent sexual assault, a subject that is dealt with throughout this book. If this is a triggering subject, this book is not for you. Also, physical violence leading to death is also a factor. 

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“Okay, here we are—coffee, no cream and lots of kick. Hopefully that’ll keep you warm once you ride out of here on this snowy night.”

“It’s four degrees out there, even without windchill. No way is anyone riding in this shit, unless they’ve got it into their head they have to prove how tough they are. And how stupid.” Romeo pulled the cup close to wrap his hand around it, and his hand was so huge it almost did wrap all the way around the mug. “The question is, why are you already thinking about me leaving? I think I’m going to take that personally.”

Yikes. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“But you’re still thinking about me leaving. Sounds to me like I should take offense.”

“I…” Horrified, I studied his face—excellent bone structure, with beautiful cheekbones, a slightly crooked nose that spoke of a long-ago break that he’d survived, and gray-blue eyes that looked like a stormy sea. “I apologize, truly. Um, let me know if there’s anything else I can get you.”

“Yeah, there is. You can sit down for a sec and give me some of your time.”

Stupid heart. Why was it skipping all over the place? “It’s against policy to sit with customers during shift.”

“You might want to reconsider. I’m no Karen who’d complain to the manager about being insulted, but I’m not above making a scene with you at the center of it.”

Like that, my skippy heart turned to stone. “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

“You surprise me,” I gritted out as anger bubbled to the surface. Grudgingly I sank onto the edge of the seat opposite him, not bothering to tamp down the heat in the glare I sent his way. “I thought all you big, bad bikers were so tough you don’t get offended by offhand comments. You must belong to, shall we say, a gentler kind of club.”

“Ooh, I think there was some spice behind those words.”

“Considering how fragile you are, snowflake, you should worry my spice is going to melt you right out of existence.” I couldn’t seem to stop gritting my teeth  as I crossed my arms and gave him what I hoped was the world’s most disdainful stink-eye. “You wanted to talk? Talk.”

For just a second his eyes narrowed on me, and in that flash of time it seemed almost like he was calculating all the potential variables on how to get to some ultimate outcome. Then a half smile appeared along with an aw-shucks shake of the head, and the weird illusion that 3D chess was being played vanished.

“Look, I get it,” he said in a quiet, cajoling tone edged with a honey I was sure swayed many an unwary woman into his trap. “I’d be pissed off too if some asshole came in, threatening to upset my boss while I was just trying to earn a buck, so I promise I’m not going to jack you up here, okay?”

“I really need to check on your order,” I said the moment he stopped talking. If he had a brain in his head, he’d get that my bored tone indicated that as far as I was concerned he was dead to me. “So, if you’re finished—"

“I like you, Shy girl.” He looked me right in the eye as he spoke. It was one heck of a look, I’d give him that. Not much impressed me in this world—I’d been through too much—but I couldn’t deny my breath didn’t seem to want to leave my lungs while those sea-colored eyes locked me into place. “I can’t remember the last time a woman made me stop in my tracks and forget where the hell I was going or what I was doing. Then I saw you, and bam—fucking amnesia. All I could think about was you, working the evening shift at Buzzby’s Diner. The food’s good here, yeah, but it’s not so good it brings me back every damn day. You’re the only one who has that kind of power over me.”

“Wow.” The word whispered out of me before I even knew I wanted to say it, but it couldn’t be helped. When a hot guy—even a wannabe-biker hot guy—admitted you gave him amnesia, wow was definitely an appropriate response.


Our Thoughts

"Some heroes don't wear capes. Sometimes they were cuts"

This is the first book in the Grave Diggers MC An all-new MC Romantic Suspense series that you won't want to miss!

"You're still talking. Why is that?"
Oil and a Match - that was our snarky Shiloh and her Romeo
Lots of Smexy tension and Hades-level heat with these two

"Sexy looks and a weekend warrior's love of danger was a tempting mix, but was that what I wanted?"

Yeah, he is trust me Shy.

Shiloh knew all about motorcycle gangs and their evil ways.
She had the scars to prove it
Sure there was something sexy about a bad boy in leathers
But they were evil, all of them
However, maybe she could guide this misdirected man to the light ;)
He was awfully nice, not to mention sin-incarnate

Romeo was supposed to watch her
Get close and figure out who's side, if any she stood on
See if she could lead him to the Chef
So he played the weekend warrior.
The protector. Any card he could to get close to her
Sure, not all of his choices were smart ones
Some were bound to bite him in the gluteus later on
But something about that girl made him lose his mind

"Life is meant to be lived, Shy girl. Experienced, savored, wallowed in. It's supposed to be messy and loud and chaotic."
Years ago Shy had been an unwilling "guest" of the Gravediggers
It killed something in her while at the same time bringing something to life
She didnt laugh as easily anymore. Didnt trust.
The way she saw the world was a bit jaded
But something about Romeo (with a little push from her friends) made her want to take the chance 

"You just keep holding on to me, you hear me? Don't ever let go."
Romeo was hard on the outside but for his Shy girl?
He was marshmallow goodness topped with a damn cherry
He went beyond just protecting her physically.
He took the extra steps to heal her soul as well
Not sure I would have forgiven Pop's as easily but ...

"The two of us against the world. But you're wrong about how nothing lasts forever. The two of us, we're forever."

This was the perfect blend of sweet and suspenseful
The cast was so well crafted!
Hades and Marvel will make your skin crawl
Arthur, the sweetest protector
and so many more secondary characters that I can't wait to get to know better
The storyline was solid with all the angst, action, betrayal, and SMEXY you expect from an MC Romance

• Author bio

A competitive figure skater from the age of eight, Stacy Gail wrote stories between events to pass the time. By fourteen, she told her parents she was either going to be a skating coach who was also a romance writer, or a romance writer who was also a skating pro. Now with a day job of playing on the ice with her students, and writing everything from PNR and cyberpunk to contemporary romance at night, both dreams have come true.


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