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The White Raven Series: Legacies meets Lost Girl in this fast-paced new urban fantasy trilogy by M.J. Moores Book Tour with Guest Post and Giveaway



 Legacies meets Lost Girl in this fast-paced new urban fantasy trilogy. 

When the supernatural world decides to kick your ass... Smile and kick it right back.  

The Blade of Balance

The White Raven Book 3

by M.J. Moores

Genre: YA Urban Fantasy

No job. No alliance. No clue…

This isn’t about Dray finding herself anymore. This is war. Her BFF-Familiar is holding the fort at the club. Wolf Boy is in uber Nexus protection mode, and the drive-her-mentalist is tracking a missing dragon.

It’s time to go hunting… but seeking the essence required to jumpstart the Blade of Balance drops Dray squarely in everyone’s crosshairs. Really, nowhere better to be than on the brink of social annihilation behind enemy lines. Unfortunately, the key to unlocking the power of the Blade lies with Dray’s less-than-strategic ability to negotiate with severely unbalanced forces… and deciphering the meaning of the final riddle.

If Dray is only the Seeker… who, then, is the Wielder?


Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Blade of Balance today!


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The Soul Collector

The White Raven Book 2

It’s a bird, it’s a plane. No… it’s a murder-hornet!

Stuck in raven form after her run-in with the most insane wizard alive, Dray is content to focus on healing. But the djinn she negotiated help from has other plans. He sends a warning via stinger in mid-air, forcing Dray to shift before she’s ready. The hostile calling card parrots in her head as she plummets to the ground: Time’s up. Favour’s due.

Back on the asphalt, Dray barely has time to take a breath, or a step, before getting blasted by a second summons. She’s on the fae council’s radar, big time. No one else can root-out the maniac wizard who spliced her soul (Public Enemy No.1), so the council offers Dray a deal she can’t refuse. Being a high school outcast never prepared her for this kind of popularity contest.

Can she survive spying for the good guys while breaking the djinn (Public Enemy No.2) out of jail right under their noses?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of the second book in the White Raven series The Soul Collector today!

**On Sale for Only 1.99 May 27-31!!**

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The Hollow Kiss

The White Raven Book 1

Bloody Walls and Supernatural Espionage Were Not on the Final Exam

Graduation meant a whole new world away from the labels of outcast and freak, but a supernatural abduction leaves Corvina Dray with a hole in her memory and a deadly kiss.

Inexplicably drawn to a dark stranger in a back alley, Dray’s soul-sucking lip-lock lands her with a DB and the local PD on her trail. Then, a girl she doesn’t remember shows up out of nowhere and helps her dispose of the corpse.

Dray’s dead-body-bestie initiates her into an underground world with only one rule— expose the fae and suffer the consequences. But navigating this piranha-paradise to hunt down the maniac responsible for her transformation is likely to kill her… or worse.

Can Dray reverse the curse before she spends the rest of her life in an orange jumpsuit?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Hollow Kiss today!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

See What the Experts Are Saying

"It was so much fun watching Dray unravel the mysteries of her new world. MJ's fantasy was fresh, and the plot intriguing." ~ Auburn Tempest, author of the Chronicles of an Urban Druid series

"Hollow Kiss is a terrific first-in-series for an exiting new paranormal YA series. If you like found-family stories with rich magic systems and tons of action, you’ll love Hollow Kiss."
~ Kim McDougall, author of the Valkyrie Bestiary series

**On Sale for Only .99cents May 27-31!!**

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Excerpt 1


After paying for my supplies, I walked out the back to get away from Mac’s penetrating stare. He’d sensed a change in me. I wasn’t in the mood to dodge questions.

Outside, I pulled the full cart down the alley connecting the rear of two rows of stores. The hardware place had been at one end, but I didn’t turn onto the closer side street—didn’t know if another wave of nausea would hit. The last thing I needed was the whole town knowing I had a bad hangover. Or worse. Lips were loose enough without my help.

I’d take the long way home. The side streets and back alleys of town had always been my escape route growing up. No one knew them better, except maybe the rats.

My guts contracted and forced me forward—not to my hands and knees, but stumbling toward the back door of a shop across the alley. No! No! Shit, no! My cart overturned. Somebody sauntered out of the back of the store. My heart flailed against my chest. The door banged shut. Midnight Man from earlier glanced over at me, confused, then a cocky smile lit up his face.

The idiot thinks I’m coming on to him. I tried to scream at him to run, but my voice died in a strangled squawk.

I lunged forward, bound by the invisible force. Opening my jaw a second time, I launched myself at him. Terror crystallized in his eyes as our mouths smashed together.

We crashed to the ground next to a fence. His fingers dug into my arms, then stiffened. Body rigid, cheeks caved, the guy shuddered as I pulled my lips from his and a long trail of smoke filled my every tingling cell. I arched my neck back, swallowed, and collapsed. Spent. Whatever had filled me seconds before, that had driven me to attack this guy, now left me empty.

Scrambling away from Midnight Man’s lifeless form, I accidentally kicked his arm. I dry heaved against a fence that housed an industrial-sized garbage bin. Not having eaten—except for a few mouthfuls at Rainey’s—there was little in my stomach to come out.

I curled into a ball. The shaking rattled my teeth. It wasn’t another attack, just the aftereffects of the first.

A shadow fell over the body and hovered across my legs.

Oh my God—someone saw!

I whimpered.

Just take me away now. Toss me in prison and throw away the key. The shadow’s hand reached out. I flinched.

Excerpt 2


Char turned to look at me and rested her chin on her hand, her elbow propped up on the bar. She raised an eyebrow as if inviting me to say my piece.

“Char says I came here with her last night and then disappeared.”

“What do you mean Char says?” Matt wiped a glass dry and placed it on a hanging rack over the bar.

“I mean I killed a guy for the first time today and can’t remember a damn thing that happened last night.”


“Hello? What’s your damage? I think I was roofied. What can you tell me about when I was here?”

“She killed a guy?” He ignored me and slapped his dishcloth on the bar.

Char nodded.

I didn’t expect her to corroborate that. “Char! I wasn’t serious—what the hell? Forget it. I’m outta here.” I backed away.

Char just turned her head a little more to watch me stumble up the steps to the door. Matt actually stopped scowling—and that’s what made me freeze.

“You’re not going to call the cops on me?” What’s wrong with these people?

“No. I think it’s time you were informed.” He glanced at Char. “Do we do this the hard way or the easy way?”

“I tried the easy way. I brought her here for the goods. Lock the door.”

Matt snuck his hand under the rim of the bar. A snap echoed in the expansive and frighteningly empty two-story club. My hands shook. My mouth went dry.

This isn’t right.

With a twist of his neck, Matt—the stern but hunky twenty-something bartender—launched himself from the floor to the counter. Landing on all fours, covered in russet fur, he snapped his elongated jaws at the air around his nose.

A scream sliced my lungs, but it never made it past my open mouth. Char reached out and petted the large animal that glared with cold gray eyes. He leaped at me. Stumbling over my feet on the stairs, I dropped hard to the floor, curled into a ball, and waited to die.

What I got was a wet ear. 

Blog 1: Inspiration & Characters

It is an honor to be here to hang out and talk stories with you today. I’m really excited about my newest urban fantasy series, the White Raven. It’s kind of a cross between the TV shows Legacies, and Lost Girl. It’s not an academy series, but it does deal with the concept of “what do you do after high school?” Couple that with the discovery of a hidden supernatural underworld right in your backyard, and that you’re a part of it, and that brings in the detective/mystery element.

Dray, my main character, was born with leucism. Similar to albinism (being albino), the melanin in her cells doesn’t hold onto color the same way as the average person’s. It isn’t like vitiligo, where your skin can become two-tone or patterned, it really is closer to being albino—where it affects your skin evenly. The difference between albinism and leucism is that leucism is more commonly found in animals (we learn that Dray has shifters in her family tree), and it desaturates the melanin in the skin and hair. So, while her parents are Italian with a deep, tanned skin tone and dark hair, Dray is as pale as parchment with white-blonde hair. It’s to the point where she needs to “paint” her face on every day just to “look normal.”

Writers are always looking for some way to bring diversity into their writing while also staying true to what they know—for believability. I did a lot research into leucism and albinism for this book, so that I could be as true as possible to the character and the people who live with this disease. What I discovered were a number of similarities to those of us who have experienced ostracism or difficulty fitting in because we’re “different” in some way. For many of us, we just want to be accepted for who we are. This is a fairly common challenge for a lot of kids, regardless of skin color. This commonality is where I hope readers might see themselves or a friend or family member in Dray’s character—someone they can relate to.

What I love about Dray is how alike and unalike we are—LOL! Throughout my life I always felt different and was treated differently because of my empathic nature. Really, getting a handle on the roller coaster of my emotions over my entire life has been a challenge, and always left me feeling like I didn’t belong. I love too easily, cry to easily, get stubborn and offended… too easily 😉. I am not bipolar; I just absorb other people’s emotions and have a tendency to react in big ways. That made me an easy target for bullies and a bit of an “odd duck” growing up. Like Dray does in the story, I tried a lot of different things to “fit in.” With her, though, I went in kind of the opposite direction. While I avoided drugs and alcohol and the “bad” crowd, I tossed her right into the middle of it. I wanted to understand what compelled some people to make these choices, and how those decisions affected how others perceived them, reacted to them.

This series isn’t just about discovering a hidden supernatural world, it’s learning about self and finding a sense of belonging or found family who are all at once a lot like you and yet completely different! Dray is thrust into this world by accident. Her abduction and transformation sets her on a journey of a lifetime. It’s dangerous, sexy, revealing, and even fun at times. Just like anyone’s life could be 😉.

MJ Moores has dabbled in all things writing since the age of nine. With a minor in creative writing, a decade teaching high school English and Drama, and more than twenty full-length works of fiction under her belt, her seven years as a freelance editor can only be the cherry on top of a life surrounded by story and words. Lately, you can find her working at the library on the days she's not dealing with a flurry of words for her latest book.

MJ loves to write upper YA adventure in sci-fi, fantasy, and suspense. Her newest series, The White Raven, is a fast-paced urban fantasy with a strong female lead, and a hint of mystery. Imagine Legacies meets Lost Girl -- Hold your breath and dive into the adventure. 

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