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The Descendants Series New Adult Dark Dystopian Fantasy, Sci-Fi by Destiny Hawkins Series Tour with Rafflecopter



Fail the tests and become a slave. Display defectiveness and be put to death. 

The Unbroken

The Descendants Series Book 3

by Destiny Hawkins

Genre: New Adult Dark Dystopian Fantasy, SciFi

They said that the Monroe Academy Bootcamp Program was meant to break its trainees.

With one last attempt at proving her worth, she was counting on the worst.

The Bootcamp Program at Monroe Academy was Rayah’s last and only hope. Within just a few short months, she would have to display her abilities in front of the council and prove her strength. If she passed, she’d level up, but if she failed, then everything would have been for nothing.

The pain, the suffering, the training, the loneliness…the sacrifices…

Rayah was determined to make it all count, and now that she was able to manifest her light, it was time to take things to the next level.

The rookie vex signed up to take part in one of the most advanced training programs that the academy provided.

She knew that in breaking, it would be her last chance to unlock the mental barriers that blocked the path to her energy.

And she was willing to endure anything to make that happen.

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the third installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn't accept the weak...or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised

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The Calling

The Descendants Book 2

She was given a second chance to prove that she could manifest her powers.
She had no idea she’d have to hide them.

Ever since Rayah could remember, she had always been different from everyone else. Not only was she the prized daughter of the greatest collectors known to history, but she was also branded a null.

To the students of Monroe Academy, Rayah was a privileged failure. A lightless lighter. A worthless Lytonian. And if it weren’t for her parents, they would have been calling her a slave years ago.

In only a few months, Rayah had to present her abilities to the council and prove to them that she was worthy of walking the halls of the academy, but Major Artemis St. James, her tormentor and superior officer, would stop at nothing to keep her from excelling.

Failing the leveling meant becoming the property of the man who taught her the very meaning of pain.

It would have also made her mother’s sacrifice for nothing.

With the test date closing in, Rayah learned that she was able to use her powers at an elite level, but even though that meant she had power, it made her chances of leveling impossible. There was no way that she’d be able to prove her worthiness now.

The standard colors of a Lytonians powers are white, royal blue, and turquoise blue.

Rayah’s were black…

And she could only use them in the dark.

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the second installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn't accept the weak...or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised.

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The Descendants

The Descendants Series Book 1

Fail the tests and become a slave. Display defectiveness and be put to death.

Monroe Academy was built to separate the weak from the strong.
*Pass the biyearly leveling and be released into society upon graduation.
*Fail to be promoted and be placed into servitude.

Branded as the academy null, these were the laws that applied to all but Rayah Bardeau. The Lighter with no light.

After Rayah’s mother made a devastating sacrifice, Rayah was given six years to make her required level. Now, with only a few months left to prove herself, she was still the same level she’s been since she was ten years old.

A level one.

Overwhelmed by the upcoming test, consumed by guilt, and wary of academy bullies, Rayah could only dream of escaping her world.

…And one night, her dream had come true…

Only, when Rayah reawakened in her dorm, she couldn’t distinguish if she had only dreamed of the defect from the wild-lands, or if she had somehow used her Lighter Form to jump there, and everything she experienced was real.

But only the elite ― the most powerful of Lighters ― could manifest their Lighter Forms. Right?

And what was the dark energy that lurked just beneath the surface? Would Rayah be able to soon claim the title of a lighter, or would she discover that she was something else entirely?

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the first installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn't accept the weak...or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised.

Amazon * Apple * B&N * Kobo * Smashwords * Books2Read * Bookbub * Goodreads

“Hold tight,” Soren warned.

I hadn’t expected him to do what he did next, making me wish that one of the three abilities included flight because I really didn’t like heights.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that we had jumped from a cliff and were now plunging towards… the abyss?! Our destination below us was completely black.

My hair whipped across my face as the sudden gust of wind blew against me, and at first, I was afraid, but Soren’s reassuring smile set me at ease. His glowing lime-green eyes had dimmed and were becoming an average color, but I had lost sight of them after complete darkness took over and cold water overwhelmed me.

The impact of us landing in the lake separated us, and I lost him. I shot under the dark water and reached out for the surface as I continued to sink. After such a high jump, my weight was pulling me under, and it didn’t help that I didn’t know how to swim. The academy never taught us.

All I could see as I reached up were the blurred moons in the sky shining down on me. I kicked at the water and continued to reach for them but wasn’t getting anywhere. It was like there was a weight on my ankles that continued to pull me under.

No, I can’t die.

I reached up again, grabbing for the life that I thought I wanted to live, but when I felt the water shoot into my throat and the burning sensation in my chest grow stronger, I realized that I really didn’t want to live at all.

Why would I? I didn’t want to face Artemis again. I didn’t want to compete with the students at the academy anymore. I didn’t want to go back to feeling different and unwanted. I had kept my chin up for long enough, and I was out of strength.

Maybe this was meant to be? Maybe I should die and finally be at peace?

I was finally letting go, but as soon as my eyes began to close, my mother appeared. She swam down towards me with bright green eyes. “Rayah, my sweet little Rayah,” she echoed, her soft voice warm and familiar.

When her hands slid over my wrist, I blinked and found myself gazing into Soren’s eyes. He pulled me up to him before kicking towards the surface. When I looked up, I noticed that the moons were getting closer and closer, and as I thought of taking in fresh air, I realized that I did want to live. I wanted to free my mother, and I wanted to see my parents together. I wanted to be a free woman of Lytonia.

Right before we reached the surface, Soren smiled down at me. Our eyes locked for one last time before he disappeared, and everything went black.

Kaydar, Cleo, and Sandra were too close to escape from now, and even if I ran, Sandra would just catch me.

“Long time, no see,” Cleo said, holding his palm upwards with white sparks flickering at his fingertips. “Last time I saw you, your face was swollen.”

I didn’t respond, instead keeping my eyes on their ringleader, Kaydar. He stopped in front of me with a blank expression still on his face, but after a few moments of silence, he drew his eyebrows in together.

“What shall we do with her, Kaydar?” Cleo asked. “She’s all alone.”

“Nothing,” Kaydar sighed, flaring his nose. “Unless you want to go back to solitary confinement.”

Sandra smacked her teeth. “We won’t. No one’s around

“No,” I blurted, growing anxious by the second. “I don’t have time for the three of you right now.”

“Right, you don’t. How many months do you have left?” Sandra asked smugly.

I stared at her, wanting to make her pay for what she did to me the day that the three of them jumped me in my dorm. Kaydar stabbed me in the leg, but Sandra had done most of the damage.

At first glance, one wouldn’t think much of Sandra. She had silky black hair, dark olive skin, dark brown eyes, and a smile other girls would kill for. In my opinion, she was a pretty female, but her attitude was anything but. After a while, everyone else came to that conclusion as well, and she became the second most disliked person in the school next to me.

I sighed and tried to walk around Sandra, but she quickly grabbed my arm and yanked me back in front of her, then leaned in close to my face. “I didn’t tell you that you could leave.” Her grip became so tight I thought she would crack the bone. She was very much capable of doing so.

I kept my eyes on her, angered at the fact that she had the upper hand but also because there was just something about her that made my blood boil. I had no problem with people being confident in their ability to fight, but Sandra was just arrogant and used her powers for the wrong reasons.

“Let me go,” I said in a low and surprisingly threatening tone.

Kaydar sighed. “Let her go, Sandra.”

Sandra squeezed tighter with her eyes locked on mine. “No. She looks like she wants to fight,” she chuckled. “It’s cute.”

I clenched my teeth and flared my nose. I could feel heat building in my chest and shoulders, but it wasn’t enough for me to tell if it was my energy yet. “Let. Go.” My words were clipped with anger.

Sandra’s eyebrows furrowed, and she smirked. “Are you trying to be intimidating?”

I guess because I was just a null that she didn’t see it coming, but without hesitation, I slammed my head into her face hard enough to stun her. Sandra let my arm go and stumbled backwards to the floor. When she felt the blood leaking from her nose, she quickly covered it. 

“Stay away from me!” I yelled, walking up to her, feeling the heat in my chest rush to my head, but when the lights began to flicker, I froze… and then the flickering stopped. What was that?

“Snap out of it!”

A powerful force crashed into my body from behind and sent me flying through the air and through the first ring of fire. In shock and unable to control my fall, I rolled across the turf and stopped on my back, then spotted Carmen sprinting ahead.

“Get up!” Lithaly jumped through the first ring and rushed over to me. “Come on! Run through with me! You’ve got this!”

I was hesitant and didn’t bother even caring about the racers passing us up at full speed. At this point, after all our training, slow didn’t actually mean slow. It just meant not as fast as us, so they were on our backs the entire time.

Kaydar ran over to my side and glanced back over his shoulder with blood dripping from the side of his forehead. “Lithaly, go ahead! Only a few more of us need to reach the finish line to be considered a win!”

Lithaly nodded and burst off into a sprint.

Kaydar took my hand and gave it a squeeze, then he offered a gentle smile. “Run through with me.”

I swallowed, quick to react to his touch but hesitant from his gentleness. Relaxing, I softened and slipped my hand away, still unfamiliar to the contact. Kaydar offered a small, embarrassed smile. Why did I feel as if he understood my fears more than anyone else here?

Fire and anything that could potentially burn my skin caused something in me to become paralyzed. All I could think about was Artemis and the pain he had caused me. The helplessness.

I stood with Kaydar and began to jog towards the next ring of fire.

“Do your best and face any fears you may have.” Sergeant Falklin’s words ran through my mind. At that moment, it felt as if he were speaking directly to me. I could feel him watching me now. I wasn’t sure from where, but he was there, testing me, and maybe even believing in me.

The Sergeant was the first teacher to ever treat me as if I mattered. I found myself always working as hard as I could for the simple nod of his head or hint of a smile. I had other reasons to do as well as I possibly could, but in those moments, sometimes I only thought of making him proud.

Funny thing about it was that the two of us rarely ever spoke to each other. It was just the simple fact that he didn’t treat me as if I were below everyone else.

When I picked up my speed, so did Kaydar.

I was going to face and rid myself of this fear of fire, and I was going to finish the race. This would no longer stop me, and my thoughts of Artemis would no longer hinder me.

“Ready?!” Kaydar yelled.

The two of us picked up our speed to a full-on sprint.


I sprung off my left foot and leaped through the second ring of fire.

First, I felt the heat all around me, but then I suddenly took in the breeze of the air as I landed on my feet. A slight smile came to my lips. I was doing it. I was leaving this fear behind.

Leaping through the ring was just my first step.    

Destiny Hawkins is a multi-genre author with a dark imagination and a love for magic.

She enjoys exploring the freedom of life, writing, listening to music, reading, and of course watching some anime! Her favorite genres to read and work in are Fantasy, LGBT, Paranormal, Romance, Dystopian, Sci-fi, and Young Adult.

Destiny loves creating stories and building worlds that both teach and entertain! When writing, she sticks to her slogan: Where beauty can be found in darkness.

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