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The Dark Court (Songs of the Sage Book 2) Science Fiction by Vyvyan Evans Book Tour with Guest Post and Giveaway



Vyvyan Evans



GENRE:  Science Fiction






A genre-blending dystopian, sci-fi mystery-thriller that will make you think about communication in a whole new way.


Five years after the Great Language Outage, lang-laws have been repealed, but world affairs have only gotten worse. The new automation agenda has resulted in a social caste system based on IQ. Manual employment is a thing of the past, and the lowest soc-ed class, the Unskills, are forced into permanent unemployment.


In a world on the brink of civil war, a deadly insomnia pandemic threatens to kill billions. Lilith King, Interpol’s most celebrated detective, is assigned to the case.


Together with a sleep specialist, Dr. Kace Westwood, Lilith must figure out who or what is behind this new threat. Could the pandemic be the result of the upskilling vagus chips being offered to the lowest soc-ed class? Or are language chips being hacked? And what of the viral conspiracy theories by the mysterious Dark Court, sweeping the globe? Lilith must work every possible angle, and quickly: she is running out of time!


While attempting to stop a vast conspiracy on an intergalactic scale, Lilith also faces shocking revelations about her origin, coming to terms with her own destiny.





The next morning, I awoke in my hotel bed in a black mood, this time stirred up by the vestiges of the same goddamn nightmare. It was the feeling of being sucked backward through churning water. That’s what it felt like in the black dream, the one that imprisoned me, night after night. The Stygian darkness of my backward traveling struck with a petrifying chill. A malfunction of my body’s thermoreceptor system. I imagined death would feel just like that. The only way I could describe it. But no white lights. The blackness wasn’t like ordinary dark. It was the infinite purple blackness of a night completely devoid of stars, a moonless sky. So inky that you were sure you could see floating blotches of tarred nothingness, just like when you closed your eyes.


I don’t think Clyde really ever got it, that the sensation of drowning wasn’t just a feeling—in the sense of something imagined, a phantasm, an amygdala hijack. It was the actual feeling of a lived experience, something embodied at a deep level, emotionally rancid, cancerous, growing for twenty years; the feeling of being sucked backward through water in silent blackness. I always had this, these feelings. Intuitive, sensory, primordial. That’s what I did. I knew that’s what made me exceptional. 




What do you think readers can learn from your characters?

The protagonist of The Dark Court is Lilith King, the world’s most celebrated cybercrime detective. Lilith also has strange powers that allow her to detect powerful beings. She has always known she was special, or at least different. First, the strange singing in her head that came at the age of seven. And later, the ability to solve crime by detecting clues through touch alone.

Lilith was taunted by her nemesis, Jürgen Fleischman, Head of Interpol, for being the patron saint of the worthless and the downtrodden. But Lilith views this as a badge of honor, not a source of shame. In the near-future story-world of The Dark Court, when employment is largely a thing of the past, the world is divided into a social caste-system based on IQ. The have-nots, the so-called Unskills, are uncertified for work, and must rely on meagre state handouts. In such a world, Lilith demonstrates compassion in the face of a grand conspiracy to eliminate all Unskills in what may be the greatest act of genocide of the world. And  in spite of her own brutal backstory, Lilith shows the true meaning of compassion, and faith in the human spirit.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Dr. Vyvyan Evans is a native of Chester, England. He holds a PhD in linguistics from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and is a Professor of Linguistics. He has published numerous acclaimed popular science and technical books on language and linguistics. His popular science essays and articles have appeared in numerous venues including 'The Guardian', 'Psychology Today', 'New York Post', 'New Scientist', 'Newsweek' and 'The New Republic'. His award-winning writing focuses, in one way or another, on the nature of language and mind, the impact of technology on language, and the future of communication. His science fiction work explores the status of language and digital communication technology as potential weapons of mass destruction.

Book website (including ‘Buy’ links):

Author website:

Youtube channel:













Vyvyan Evans will award a randomly drawn winner paperback copies of both book 1 and book 2 on the series - a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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