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Gemja: The Message :YA Fantasy by K.M. Messina ➱ Book Tour Guest Post and Interview


Synopsis (from Amazon):

Resa Stone is one of the first humans to set foot on a foreign world. But ever since arriving on planet Wandelsta, the introverted teen witch can't sleep. Visions of a mysterious jeweled forest haunt her dreams. Who is the ghostly shrouded girl who emerges from those woods? And what is the meaning of the ominous message she delivers: You are the one?


And when the unearthly messenger appears in her waking life and leads her to a mystical glowing gem, Resa learns of an ancient legend that suggests the stone may be a remnant from a crystalline paradise called Gemja and harbors great power. On a quest to discover the significance of the stone, Resa is transformed by love, betrayal, magic, and hidden secrets. And when danger befalls her, she must summon the courage to journey into her dream realm to confront the ghost for answers...


Only to discover that deciphering the message reveals a painful truth...


One that may cost Resa her life.



“Grams, have you heard of Gemja?”

She shook her head. “No, what is that?” She pulled me toward her so that my back was leaning against her.

“A magical crystal planet where only peace and love exist,” I said, not doing the legend justice. “Maybe it’s where we’ll all meet again one day.” I didn’t want to leave her. I rested my head on her shoulder.

“Ah, then it must be a wonderful place,” she said, stroking my hair. “If I can go to this Gemja, I will,” she reassured me. “I’ll wait for you there.”


“Of course,” she said, “but you had better make me wait a very long time. There is so much for you to do in your realm. Come now. It’s time.” She patted my arm as a signal for me to stand. “You have to go meet Nitika before it’s too late. I fear the white creature will come for you unless we stay one step ahead of it.” She held out the single filament. “It’s time. Help me sever it.”

I dug into my bag, feeling for something that could snap the filament. I pulled out a pair of wire cutters.

“That’s my girl,” she said. “Always prepared.” She held out the filament for me to cut, but I hesitated. “It’s all right now,” she said, laughing. “You’re giving me life. What better gift could there be?”

I had to see her one last time, so I turned on the flashlight. When I looked into her eyes, there was no fear in them. No uncertainty. They were shining brightly with hope.

I opened the cutters around the filament and paused. I wished that she could have closed them herself, but the angle was all wrong. “Still want to be the lone red daisy?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Her answer startled me. “I would have it no other way,” she said. “And I’m hardly alone. I have you. Both of us were chosen…to do something wonderful, I imagine. The universe doesn’t give you more than you can handle, so you must embrace being red.” She put her hand to my face. “No tears. This is not the end. You’re giving me life. Remember to tell your grandfather.”

“I will, I promise.” I didn’t want to leave her. I had so much to ask her. So much to tell her. I had just said hello, and now it was already time for goodbye?

“Hurry, you must turn off the flashlight,” she said. “Do it now. Both our lives depend on it.”

“I love you, Grams,” I said.

“And I you, my darling. It’s time. I’m ready to go.”

I wasn’t ready. Still, I forced my hand shut. The cord snapped. And my grandmother floated upward, transforming into a beautiful barn owl before flying out of sight, leaving one lone feather and a sparkling trail of violet stardust in her wake.


 Author Interview

Questions K.M. came up with:


You teach about mineral crystals in your Earth Science classes. Many metaphysical practitioners believe that crystals also have mystical powers. What do you think about that?

A crystal is a tool to help our minds focus on what we want to attract in our lives. But its greatest power comes from you. With perseverance and belief, you can manifest your desires. Crystals help unlock a doorway to our own innate powers.


Do you have a favorite crystal?

Raw, unheated Citrine points. So, there’s no surprise that one landed on Gemja’s cover! Citrine is associated with joy, wealth, success, happiness, abundance, and manifestations. They seem to be working. :)


In Gemja, you write about a sugary world called Glucosa. Does this mean you have a sweet tooth?

Actually, no. I’m more the salty chip type. But I wouldn’t say no to a big piece of peanut butter ice cream cake with chocolaty-fudge ganache icing.


Astral travel and dream realms are prominent themes in Gemja. What is the most significant dream you have had?

I had a visitation from my mother who had passed away a year prior. She was standing on my back deck, and I excitedly called out, “MA!” Suddenly, she vanished, and I was holding my black German shepherd, Luna, who had also passed. It was a magical sensory experience. I felt my dog’s fur. I heard her happy cries. My mother had brought my fur baby for a heavenly visit. It was 100% authentic. So real, and so needed.


Why did you make your lead character a witch?

I’ve always been drawn to witches and Halloween and the idea that we can do or be anything we want. It’s empowering to know that our words and actions can drive the outcomes we desire in our lives.



Q&A from Author Marketing Experts:


If you could go back in time, where would you go?

To the origin of the universe…that is, if it had a beginning.


If your book were made into a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?

I wrote two of my husband’s original songs into the book. “Surrender” and “Kite” by Blow Up Hollywood.



In your book you state, “Once you make a decision about something, surrender to it.” What does that mean?

            Stop fighting what your heart wants. Lose the worry, self-doubt, or

            whatever story you tell yourself about why your desires may not be valid. If you

            want something, welcome it into your life by letting go of the negativity.


What is your next project?

I'm currently working on two projects: the sequel to Gemja, which is nearing completion, and a new picture book to help ease the pain of those grieving the loss of a beloved pet.


What advice would you give budding authors?

It starts with one line. Don’t worry about it being perfect. You’ll be amazed at how the story unfolds once you allow a single thought to materialize.


What are your hobbies or quirky things to do?

If I’m not going broke buying seeds and nuts for the endless train of deer, wild turkeys, and songbirds that visit my property, I’m creating something. My current crafty obsession is making clay magnets. I have a large parliament of owls and mystical crystal moons awaiting their debut at a fall fair next month.


What is a favorite compliment you have received on your writing?

When is the sequel coming?


Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

Everyday life plants the seeds, but the rain necessary for blooming is divine. I don’t plan stories. They come as unexpected flashes. It’s quite mystical.


Your book is set in Maine. Have you ever been there?

Acadia holds a special place in my heart, having been home to two magical experiences. 1) My husband and I eloped on a beach in Bar Harbor. 2) A richly colored rainbow arched overhead while watching the rising sun atop the peak of Cadillac Mountain. The bow was a full semicircle that disappeared down opposite sides of the mountain. It was one of the most beautiful sights we have ever seen. 


Guest Post

A Return to Writing

 With a little help from the Universe along the way.


When cleaning out an old storage unit, I discovered a worn box filled with keepsakes from my childhood. To my surprise, a forgotten artifact lay inside, a crinkled chapter from a book I wrote when I was ten. It was a knock-off Nancy Drew mystery story (Oh, how I was addicted to that series!) penciled in big letters on lined paper with a row of crooked staples down the left edge. It brought me back to my childhood before computers, when kids had to find ways to entertain themselves. My game of choice was to wander the woods around my home, pretending I was a witch with magical powers who could talk to animals and dream up fanciful stories in my head. I didn't remember the details of this story I had found, but it reminded me that I always loved to write. Only somehow, I had lost sight of that along the way.


I didn’t write creatively in college partly because my mother had frowned upon an artistic major in favor of something more practical. So, I went the opposite route and pursued a B.S. in Biology with an interest in becoming a surgical assistant. What? Really? Who was I then? Luckily, the universe has an interesting way of guiding you back to your roots, even when you’re not paying attention. I developed an unexpected aversion to blood, forcing me to rethink my career choice. Confused about what to do, my husband suggested that I become a biology teacher since I was a school geek and had a way with kids. At the time, there were no jobs in that field, but Earth Science teachers were in high demand, so I took the required courses and landed my first gig teaching about the natural world. I was instantly drawn to the beauty of rocks and minerals and awed by the Earth’s ability to create the most magnificent landscapes. Inspired, I dreamt up a mythologic, idyllic crystalline world called Gemja.


The initial draft of Gemja, The Magic of the Myth, was a middle reader born in weeks. I was so thrilled with the story that I submitted it to five major publishing houses since they accepted open submissions then. To my disappointment, they all came back as denials, but the most discouraging had an anonymous scribble in the lower right corner: "Strong plot, well-developed characters, colorful worlds. Work on this and send it back." In hindsight, those were positive words of encouragement. But at the time, they were defeating. How could I possibly make the story better when I thought it was perfect? I shelved it and once more closed the door on writing.


That is, until many years later, a stranger came into my life with a message.


My husband had a friend who was in town for a night and asked if he and his new girlfriend could stop by to say hello. I immediately hit it off with the girlfriend, which is unusual for me because I'm the shy, introverted type. Before leaving, she emphatically urged me to buy a book. “It will change your life,” she insisted. I never saw her again after that. But I was positive the universe had sent her to me that day. The book was a hefty, out-of-print work on crystals, but it contained far more than scientific descriptions. It spoke of crystals' innate mystical powers and the magic inside them. I immediately thought of Gemja and the Citrine power crystal that was the star of my story.


And I immediately recognized the sign.


The universe wanted me to revisit Gemja. And with renewed vigor, I transformed that middle reader into a young adult novel that I suspect would have satisfied that anonymous critic way back when. And the title changed, too.


 Gemja – The Message.


Since then, I’ve written a handful of children’s picture books, and the Gemja sequel is nearly complete. I’m getting much better at picking up the messages—all those little reminders that I’m on the right path and authentic to myself. The universe speaks to us through events, circumstances, and people. Be open to what it needs to tell you, and rest assured that even if you miss the signs, it will somehow guide you back to where you belong.

Author Bio:


K.M. Messina is an earth and space science teacher, a dog mom, and a lover of all things mystical. Her black German shepherd Luna is the star of her award-winning picture book, IF YOU COULD ASK YOUR DOG ONE QUESTION, which won the Best Independent Book Award (BIBA) and the Moonbeam Children’s Book Award for best picture book for all ages. She lives on the rocky coast of Long Island, New York, where she enjoys feeding wild turkeys, moon gazing, and adding to her ever-growing collection of stones and crystals.





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"An edge-of-your-seat adventure...sweeps to a cliffhanger climax. A rousing introduction to a promising new series." –  BOOKLIFE REVIEWS by PUBLISHERS WEEKLY


"A fast-paced tale with richly drawn characters that revels in mythical worldbuilding...It blends fantasy and SF elements, along with witchcraft and teenage romance, with a degree of skill that's likely to satisfy fans of all these genres."  – KIRKUS


"Gemja: The Message offers a compelling blend of witchcraft and magic and establishes an immersive fantasy realm. Protagonist Resa is an alluring and relatable teen witch. Readers will eagerly engage with her as she attempts to unravel the mystery behind her visions of a ghostly figure." – Critic's Report: THE BOOKLIFE PRIZE


"Messina blends witchcraft, prophesies, aliens and interplanetary tensions into a highly enjoyable young adult drama...set to be a captivating and popular series." (Starred Review, Notable Book)



"Climactic moments and powerful revelations are plentiful. Worlds of unexpected wonder and danger abound." – CLARION


"A wonderfully, well-written read. 5 stars."  – READERS FAVORITE

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Hosted by Author Marketing Experts
