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Mia and Nattie One Great Team : Children's Picture Book by Marlene M. Bell ➱ Book Tour with Giveaway


Synopsis (from Amazon):
Nattie’s mouth was a little crooked. Her legs were a bit shorter than usual, and one horn was too straight, like a unicorn’s horn. But Mia thought Nattie was perfect. 

In a read-aloud picture book for children who love animals, award-winning writer and sheep breeder Marlene M. Bell presents Nattie the lamb’s true story. 

MIA AND NATTIE is a heartwarming book that teaches readers about problem-solving, teamwork, and love. 

On a visit to her grandma’s farm, eight-year-old Mia discovers a newborn, orphaned lamb outside in the cold and takes her to the laundry room, naming her Nattie. As she tries to nurse the lamb back to health, Mia discovers that Nattie is different from the other lambs and struggles to fit in with them like Mia does with other kids her age. When her grandmother says she will sell Nattie to a neighbor, Mia must come up with a plan to keep her friend around—one that will show the family just how special Nattie truly is.

Mia and Nattie EXCERPT


Tiny Nattie studied the ways of older sheep.

She ate grass and tasty weeds.

She ate grain and hay and drank water instead of milk.


But Nattie would never be big enough to live with the rest of the flock.

She was too small to raise babies of her own.

“Your lamb needs a home,” Grandma said to Mia.

“She has one! Please let me keep her.” Mia hugged Nattie’s neck.


Mia squinted back tears before they fell on Nattie’s wool.

“A neighbor wants to buy her,” Grandma said, then spun around and walked to the barn in silence.

Mia had to find a way for Nattie to stay.


Author Interview:

How do you research your books?

I rarely use the internet for book information unless I find a picture of the place I’m writing about. In most cases, I purchase coffee table travel books from people who have actually been to the location, and read their accounts to help with my writing.

Was Nattie a hard character to write about?

Because Natalie lived with us both inside and outside the house, I knew her character well prior to starting the children’s book. She was a sheep, yet she thought she was a person because I raised her, not her natural mother. This made it difficult for Natalie to blend in with the other sheep, just like in the book. She never felt like she belonged with her own kind.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

My stories come from personal experiences. Whether it’s raising sheep, or the people I’ve met along the way, the most interesting occurrences might become an anecdote or a subplot in one of my books or novels. In the case of Mia and Nattie, I used myself as the Mia character, Grandma characterized my husband, and Nattie played herself!

How long have you been writing?

My writing journey began in 2007 when I wrote a non-fiction book about raising sheep for our 4H club. That first book was more of an experiment to see if I enjoyed writing. In 2010 I decided to jump in with both feet to learn how to write fiction. I found fiction much harder because my imagination had to work overtime, and readers expect certain things from the romance and mystery genres. By the time I had the idea to create a children’s book and had located an illustrator for the job, I had to learn children’s writing all over again.

What is your next writing project?

I have some ideas for new children’s books that feature our Nattie because Mia and Nattie One Great Team! has become a popular gift for parents, grandparents and kids too! I’m having trouble choosing children’s themes to write about because I don’t have kids of my own to teach me the subject matter. I’d love to hear from you if there’s a favorite subject that should be written about to help children grow in their teenage years to adulthood. There are many books that fall short when it comes to right and wrong and learning solid life lessons. I grew up with moral-to-the-story books with happy endings, and these kinds of books seem to be lacking in the current marketplace. Send me your kids’ book ideas in the comments section for this post.



Author Bio:

Marlene M. Bell is an award-winning mystery writer and acclaimed artist as well as a photographer. She and her husband, Gregg, reside in beautiful East Texas on a wooded ranch with their dreadfully spoiled horned Dorset sheep, a large Maremma guard dog named Tia, and Hollywood, Leo, and Squeaks, the cats that rule the household.

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"The book is beautifully illustrated by Grace Sandford, and the text is simple and easy to follow. The story is perfect for young readers who love animals, and it teaches valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and acceptance.
I highly recommend Mia and Nattie One Great Team! to children of all ages. It is a heartwarming and inspiring story that will stay with you long after you finish reading it." - Joyffree/A Wonderful World of Words

“With each turn of the page, my kids and I fell more and more in love with this beautiful story. This is a story of friendship, inclusivity, and confidence. This is a story of not giving up on friends, and believing in the power of helpfulness. This is a BEAUTIFUL story. I had tears in my eyes as I was reading this aloud to my kids and it led to a really powerful discussion once we had turned the last page.” – Book Coffee Happy

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