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Tale of Steam & Cinders a Polyamorous Monster Romance by Crea Reitan ➱ New Release Book Tour


Steam & Grinders Banner RELEASE

Title: A Tale of Steam & Cinders

Author: Crea Reitan

Release Date: February 2, 2023

ebook (2)

One click A Tale of Steam & Cinders by Crea Reitan now!

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About A Tale of Steam & Cinders

Magic is old. Steam is progressive. And the world is falling into waste.

Hopefully I leave a positive mark when I’m gone. I spend my days building wonders and use every bit I can while trying to control my runoff. I’m just one person, but I don’t want to contribute to the cause of killing our world. Despite the global pollution crisis, my life is simple, peaceful, and happy.

And then it’s turned into an epic journey as I’m sent on a mission of hope to collaborate on reinventing the steam engine in an effort to slow the destruction of the only planet we have. With little time to prepare, I’m sent across the country to a convention promising to be filled with the most brilliant minds.

On my way, I gather some new companions, nearly drown in a magical storm summoned by monstrous sea creatures, and rediscover a lost race of dangerous abominations that had been thought extinct. Only then do I make it to the remote island thinktank.

But it looks like maybe my troubles are just beginning.


This is a polyamorous story with content not suitable for those under 18 years of age due to graphic scenes and situations.

Steam & Cinders Teaser 2

Steam & Cinders Teaser 3 (1)


About Crea Reitan

Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. All of her RH relationships end up being heavily polyamorous - meaning it’s not just all the men for one woman. There’s also some M/M action going on. When she can’t fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center - and utterly swoon-worthy! Don’t ask her how many book boyfriends she has…

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don’t even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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