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Rock and Troll (Mystical Matchmakers Book 1) Paranormal RomCom by C.C. Wood ➱ New Release Tour with Giveaway

Title: Rock and Troll
Series: Mystical Matchmakers #1
Author: C.C. Wood
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Paranormal RomCom
Release Date: March 28, 2022

Mystical Matchmakers
Out of touch with times?
Have trouble connecting?
All immortals welcome.
Find the paranormal romance you’ve been searching for.

Dylan is a wood nymph who's tried everything. Even human dating apps. But none of it has worked.

Surely punching your date in the nose because he can't keep his hands to himself is a sign that he's not right for you.

Except there's a postcard from Mystical Matchmakers in her mailbox. Maybe she can give love another try.

Clay is a troll who likes his life just fine. He’s a little lonely, but it’s hard to find a date because…well, the whole troll thing.

Then, his meddling, baby-crazy mother signs him up for Mystical Matchmakers. She promises to get off his back about making grandtrolls if he follows through. Clay figures a few bad dates are the price for some peace and quiet.

However, things don’t go according to plan when he meets Dylan.

They’re an unlikely pair, but somehow, they’re a perfect match.

What does a wood nymph have to do to find a decent man?
So she's a bit messy
Slightly anti-social
And fates forbid she should ever have to go into the woods - just because you are a wood nymph doesn't mean you like to rough it in the great outdoors
Maybe finding true love is just not in her stars

Clay has been setup
But it's his mother and he loves her
He will give her a ridiculous attempt at finding him a love match 4 weeks then he can return to the quiet of his workshop and his quiet life
What woman would want a large, at times green, slightly introverted troll anyway?

This was a pleasure to read
I adored Clay - he was this giant marshmallow of a man while at the same time he was solid, protective, a straight shooter
Dylan was more demanding than I normally like in my heroines but life made her that way
She and Clay fit each other perfectly - He was there to smooth her rough edges and she gave him a bit of direction as well as something precious to care for
Her heart ❤️

I laughed
I worried (a little angsty suspense)
Overall just had a really good time
Looking forward to the next in series
Heard it might be a Valkerie

Born and raised in Texas, C.C. Wood writes saucy paranormal and contemporary romances featuring strong, sassy women and the men that love them. If you ever meet C.C. in person, keep in mind that many of her characters are inspired by people she knows, so anything you say or do is likely to end up in a book one day.

A self-professed hermit, C.C. loves to stay home, where she reads, writes, cooks, and watches TV. She can usually be found drinking coffee or a cocktail as she spends time with her hubby and daughter..

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